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  • #418937

    hi everybody,

    i have 2x problems.
    enfold hide the price per unit on variable products. single products works fine, but when you click variable products, it shows the price and price per unit under the title and then it will be hide and jump down, above the button “into the cart button”.
    whats wrong? i use for the shop, enfold the newest version, from krisi recomendet german extension, and german market.

    the order for the units is wrong. how can i adjust the order from:
    1. price
    2. incl. tax (inkl. mwst)
    3. price per unit
    4. plus shipment
    5. delivery time


    1. price
    2. plus shipment
    3. incl. tax (inkl. mast)
    4. price per unit
    5. delivery time

    maybe i need to change something in the .php files in my child-theme?!!?

    thanks for your help.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by mitiuphoto.

    nobody here who can help me? i´m sure this problem affects others too, and ist good to have a solution.
    thank you guys



    Can you take a screenshot of your product page and highlight how your trying to change it? It’s in a different language so it’s hard to understand.


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