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  • #402800


    I´m looking for a small shop solution with the plugin “woocommerce germanized”.
    For a other website I found a solution with your help. (

    At the new website there are more css-bugs with the tax-info, shipping-costs-info and the price.price-unit.

    With try&error (I´m not a coder) I found the follow solution:

    /* product archiv category – richtige Darstellung der MwSt, Versandkosten, Einheitspreis bei WC germanized */

    .tax-info {
    padding-left: 15px !important;

    .shipping-costs-info {
    padding-left: 15px !important;
    margin-top: -5px !important;

    .price.price-unit.smaller {
    display: none !important;

    /* single product page – richtige Darstellung MwSt., Versandkosten, Preis und Einheitspreis bei WC germanized */

    body#top.single.single-product .tax-info {
    padding-left: 0px !important;

    body#top.single.single-product .price.price-unit.smaller {
    display:inline-flex !important ;

    body#top.single.single-product .unit {
    margin-left: 0px !important;

    It looks good but I like some little more changes with your help please:
    I didn´t found a solution for this “changes”.

    1. The font-size from the price.price-unit should be a little bit smaller and not bold, maybe 9px.
    2. The price.price-unit should displayed as follow: (26€/1kg)
    3. The price.price-unit should not displayed at the cross-selling products on footer from the single product page.
    4. The tax-info at the cross-selling product on footer from the single product page should be an the right place (padding-left: 15px).

    Thank you very much for your help upfront.



    PS: Just now I saw, that the price.price-unit is displayed on the site with firefox and chrome, but not with safari.

    5. What can I do that it is displayed on safari too.


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by fotos4friends.

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