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  • #1471794

    I am just getting my woo commerce store ready and have a couple of questions before I publish:
    1: I cannot seem to change the price color to the standard dark grey, it is showing up as my highlight color which is a light blue. 2: the related products section is brown, how do I change that color to my site’s light grey?
    3: The Google Pay button is massive, can this be made smaller so not so overwhelming?
    4: When certain items are purchased, I need the client to be able to “book” a session and fill out the required forms. Do you have suggestions for a scheduler plug-in and a forms plug-in? And how do I link the completed sale to the next steps?
    Thank you.


    Hey amandawellbeing,

    The login details you posted are not working, please check and verify.

    Also please stick to one question or problem per thread in the future.

    Best regards,

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