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  • #940851

    Dear Support,
    on our site we are using Product Filter plugin displaying product filter on main page. One of the elements has many options , so the dropdown is quite long and unfortunately hides under elements bellow?
    We placed them in two separate color sections. Can you advice how to force elements from one color section to appear above bellow section , or which container to use to make it happen? ( we have not no minimum height used for upper section)


    Hey annlen,

    It’s a matter of z-index I guess, but I cannot come up with a good solution. Can you try switching text and video, text on the left, video on the right? Or the filters and hotspots? Maybe it will be easier to adjust then.

    If you don’t want to do it on the actual page, please create a test page – a copy of this one and give us a link to it.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Victoria.
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