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  • #175353

    Hi, I’ve a site and I want use enfold for it. The question is How can I create a custom catalog pages override the woocommerce templates? I use a child enfold theme. The site is

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by alkross.

    Hey alkross!

    You can use the Advance Layout Builder. Create a page then add the Product Grid or the Product Slider under Plugin Additions panel. Don’t set a Shop Base Page on Woocommerce Settings.



    Thanks for your answer. I know this. But Is it possible create a woocommerce template page for create a layout like my category pages?
    In my old theme I override woocommerce templates into my child theme. In enfold is it possible?
    Best regards



    Yes, of course! You can add in your own WooCommerce templates following this guide:



    But If I create a template into enfold-child/woocommerce I get anyway some style or configuration from config-woocommerce into enfold theme.
    For example the class avia_cart_buttons override my button style.
    Original site:
    Restyling site:
    Seem like enfold-child theme and woocommerce template theme is woocommerce config into parent enfold theme



    I’m sorry but I don’t understand exactly what you want. You can override certain elements css on the child theme’s style.css file.

    Best regards,



    How can I resize the avia woocommerce product slider?


    Hadi Kamarudin


    I try to explain: config.php in enfold’s config- woocommerce folder had some functions to create shop pages that ovveride (or merge) with the woocommerce template that I uploaded info enfold-child.



    The child theme code (functions.php) will be loaded before the parent theme code. I suggest to use the after_setup_theme hook to overwrite the woocommerce functions in config.php. I.e. let’s assume you want to overwrite the avia_woocommerce_thumbnail() function in config.php. In this case you can use following code to deregister the default function and to replace it with your function

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'enfold_woocommerce_child_theme_code' );
    function enfold_woocommerce_child_theme_code()
    	remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', 'avia_woocommerce_thumbnail', 10);
    	add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', 'avia_woocommerce_thumbnail_child_theme', 10);
    	function avia_woocommerce_thumbnail_child_theme($asdf)
    		echo "Yippi, I'm the child theme...";

    Basically you just need to copy paste the original function from the child theme, then rename it and modify the function code. Then remove the default action and add your custom function with add_action.



    Thank you Peter and all support team.

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