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  • #354354

    I have updated woocommerce, enfold and wordpress to the latest versions.
    Suddenly the Cart & Checkout pages are not working and are completely blank.
    The Cart & Checkout pages both have the correct shortcode and have been linked in Woocommerce Settings.
    Can anyone help me understand why this has happened and how to fix things.

    Many thanks,


    Hey Luke86!

    It looks like you have a lot of customizations going on. Let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins except the default Woocommerce plugin.

    2. Upload a fresh copy of Enfold to your WordPress theme directory and activate that to see if the same problem happens. If it’s fine then you’ll want to add your customizations into the fresh copy one by one to see which could be causing the problem.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.

    I have downloaded and updated both enfold and woocommerce to the latest versions and still the pages are blank.

    I have also deactivated all the plugins and tested and again the pages are blank.

    Any ideas what I could do now?


    If I enable the master theme (not the child theme) the pages work. As soon as I enable the child theme the cart and checkout pages dont work.

    Any ideas what might be causing this?


    I figured it out.

    I deactivated a 404 plugin that I had installed. This plugin had inserted some code into the child theme functions.php file and it was this code that was causing the issue.

    Deactivating the 404 plugin didn’t remove this code it had inserted.

    the code was:

    add_action(‘template_include’, ‘avoid_404_event_titles’, 1);
    function avoid_404_event_titles() {
    global $wp_query;
    if (property_exists($wp_query, ‘tribe_is_event’) && $wp_query->tribe_is_event && $wp_query->is_404)
    $wp_query->is_404 = false;

    Please close this ticket.


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