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  • #737417

    Hello I would like to know how to control the CSS of my WC cart items:

    ‘Remove items’ X: currently, I can’t see the X. Would like it to behave like all other hovers.
    ‘proceed to checkout’ button: I can’t remove the underline from button link text.
    ‘Checkout with Paypal’: can’t remove the yellow background on hover state.

    See CSS link in private data.




    So I pretty much figured out all the other questions by myself (gee, thanks ….;-)

    The only one I’m stuck with are those pesky ‘Remove items’ X in the cart: how do I control the background color?



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Itai.


    Have you figured it out already? :)

    Best regards,


    yep :-)

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