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  • #1077466

    Dear Support Team and Community,
    I need your help.
    Hope someone has a good idea.
    I already came up with my subject. Its’ about that Product Filters are not display when it’s not a “shop” page:
    Please check whether it’s something you might know an answer.
    Help is much apprechiated.
    Thanks a lot,

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sepppl.

    Hey Sepppl,

    Woocommerce filters will not show up out of the Woocommerce context. It has to be Woocommerce page.

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,
    Good to know. The answer I searched for is, with additional code in the function.php even a custom page made with the Enfold advanced editor can be a shop page where the attribute-filters are working.

    Thread can be closed,
    Thanks a lot,



    Thanks for the update, I’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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