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  • #772760

    Lieber Kriesi, liebes Team,
    ich bin seit Jahren begeisterter Enfold-Fan und empfehle das Theme jedem, der mich fragt. Updates sind eigentlich immer schnell verfügbar, wenn Bugs gefunden und gemeldet wurden. Toll.

    Aber ich hab mich schon beim letzten WooCommerce Update ein wenig über Enfold geärgert. Weil die Unterstützung gerade von WooCommerce von euch wie ich finde schleppend umgesetzt werden. Es scheint, als ob euch das WooCommerce nicht so wichtig ist. Gerade beim letzten Enfold 4.0.5 stand eine WooCommerce 3.0 Unterstützung im Change Log. Da verlassen wir uns drauf.

    Und nun das Fiasko mit den Produktbildern auf den Produktseiten.

    Bitte widmet euch ein wenig mehr dem Thema WooCommerce, denn wer WooCommerce und Enfold einsetzt, der verdient Geld damit. Und gerade kleine Shops brauchen eure Unterstützung, denn da zählt jede Bestellung. Und dann bleibe ich treuer Fan von Enfold.

    Danke, Adrian Wackernah


    To solve the image display issue please see this posting


    Hi adrianwackernah,

    Please follow the solution proposed by mensmaximus.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, I did folllow mensmaximus solution and yes it helped in case, the product image displayed as before WC 3.0.

    But my entry was because kriesi wrote in change log, Enfold 4.0.5 is WC 3.0 ready . But thats not true.
    My wish was and is: please Kriesi give us Enfold and WooCommerce users a bit more attention in case of WC.



    I fully support Adrian’s request/standpoint The way the whole WC 3.0 issue is being handled is vey bad and puts Enfold in a (unnecessary) bad light. The Woocommerce support of Enfold was always a bit lacking and the latest issue seems to indicate that Woocommerce has no priority in Kriesi’s development at all. It would be reassuring to hear, or better yet, see otherwise.


    Ich kann den Worten von @adrianwackernah nur beipflichten. Bei Enfold & WooCommerce stimmt einiges nicht. In einem anderen Beitrag von mir:

    kommt dieses auch zum tragen. Ebenfalls habe ich keine befriedigende Antwort auf einen anderen Beitrag von mir erhalten. siehe

    Und nun wieder. @mensmaximus hat in einem anderen Beitrag auf nicht richtige Programmierung von Enfold auch hingewiesen. Siehe auch Beitrag:


    @all please keep in mind Enfold is a multi purpose theme and not specialized on e-commerce (woocommerce). For me this fact gets outlined by comparing the huge amount of installations with the rather small amount of complaints regarding woocommerce. There is no doubt some people use Enfold for their online shop but it is the minor group of Enfold users.

    Don’t get me wrong. I like Enfold and many of my customers use it with woocommerce (one reason for me to provide the fixes). However I understand this is not a pure e-commerce theme and therefore the focus is not on woocommerce in the first place. This has never been different (I have provided many fixes after major updates) and I doubt this will change. This makes Enfold not a bad theme and does not make it worse.

    As wordpress and woocommerce developer and specialist I know what it takes to maintain code and especially keeping up with woocommerce is a full time job. My advice to all enfold users is if you use it with woocommerce simply wait 4-6 weeks with updates to major version. This is the usual time frame for woocommerce, plugin developers and last but not least Enfold to play nicely together. And even pure woocommerce themes have much trouble wit the new woocommerce 3.0.

    Just my 2 cents


    We have to rely on the changelog if we don’t want to do a testinstallation for each and every update (simply not feasible nor practicable). And if that changelog states the current version is fully compatible with WC 3.0 we have to be able to rely on that too.
    It desn’t matter if Woocommerce is the focus or a minor feature in Enfold, as soon as major problems occurs and the official stance is “nothing is wrong, but try this fix” it makes you think how reliable Enfold might by in other areas too.


    @0rca literaly this discussion will lead to nowhere. Enfold never has been announced to be ‘full compatible to woocommerce 3.0’. The changelog states ‘updated compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce 3.0.0’.

    WooCoomerce itself has currently a lot of issues but I don’t see ‘you all’ complaining there. Many of the threads in the past days about woocommerce errors where not related to Enfold but to incompatible plugins. It is easy to blame Enfold. There is exactly one issue in Enfold with the image display caused by the use of deprecated filter that has not been mentioned by woocommerce to be deprecated. What if Kriesi did rely on the changelog like you? Whom to blame then? Should he have tested better like you did not? Maybe. But even if he did those issues arising from WooCommerce itself (just follow on GIT) would have caused you trouble.

    Believe me you better wait with future WooCommerce Updates and don’t rely on changelogs (even the WooCommerce changelog is faulty) if you earn money with your online shop. This is what I tell everyone since ages. Enfold still is one of the best themes out there and the support crew is doing an awesome job.


    Sorry, but you still don’t get it. This is not about Enfold not benig compatible. These things happen and you or me don’t have any problems with that because of the way we work. But other users obviously do.

    This is about communication. And at least in the few threads I have opened I have never seen any “official” acknowledgement of the problem. Actually, you have been the only one proposing solutions and helping other users as far as I can tell. This is very nice of you and I salute your for that. But wouldn’t it be time for someone from the Kriesi staff to handle this?

    You are right, the changelog is not the end of all things. But usually looking into the changelog and checking if there are any stickies in the forum should be enough to verify if any serious problems exist.


    Please be quiet.

    Your answers are not going that way, I started with with this thread. Kriesi has still the best theme out there and Enfold will be my favorite long time from now. But if a supporter answers this thread with a solution mensmaximus wrote – which in case helps bringing back product images –, this is not a professional answer.

    Instead a short comment from support or Kriesi that a new release is in progess and needs few days for release may give us a view of what is coming. Point.

    I like Kriesi because he has made Enfold. I recommend Enfold all time to whom who may ask me about a good theme. But communications are always a bit quiet like Apple. Please us a bit more about whats coming and we will be happy and know, we are not lost with any trouble.



    Es ist richtig, ENFOLD ist ein Mehrzweck-Theme. Aber, lt. Portfolio von, auch speziell als e-Commerce-Theme gedacht. Dieses Theme haben nicht nur “manche Leute”, sondern schon ein großer Kreis von Leuten, die dieses Theme speziell für ihren Shop benutzen. So auch wir, da der Shop und Seiten im Großen und Ganzen problemlos zu bearbeiten sind. Mein Fehler war es auch, dass ich WooCommerce nicht auf meiner Testseite zuerst upgedatet habe und auf die Fehler dort schon bemerkt haben müsste.

    Natürlich ist es für ein Theme-Programmierer/Entwickler sehr schwierig, wenn ein Plugin in der Form, wie es bei WooCommerce erfolgte, ein Update erfährt. Da so schnell nachzukommen, bedeutet schon einen großen Aufwand um es wieder auf WooCommerce 3.0 kompatibel zu machen.

    Aber wie @adrianwackernah eingangs berichtet hat, läuft die Entwicklung bei mit Enfold und WooCommerce etwas hinterher. Als Beispiel möchte ich nur mein Thread (Raster/Liste)erwähnen, in dem es um den Wechsel von Produkt-Raster auf Produkt-Liste ging. Hier habe ich dann eine unbefriedigende Antwort erhalten; ich solle damit einen CSS-Programmierer beauftragen. Was das für mich kostet, darüber wurde nicht gedacht Solch einfache Lösungen sind im Theme “AVADA” bereits enthalten. Ich möchte nicht unbedingt auf “Avada” wechseln, da mir “Enfold” sehr vertraut ist, ich es auch schon ein paar Jahre habe und anderweitig für andere Webseiten gekauft und installiert habe. Aber die Theme-Entwickler hier bei sollten sich solche Bemerkungen für eine künftige Entwicklung schon annehmen.


    It’s right, ENFOLD is a multipurpose theme. But, according to portfolio of, also specifically as an e-commerce theme. This theme has not only “some people”, but a large circle of people who use this theme especially for their shop. So we also, since the shop and sides are generally easy to edit. My mistake was that I did not update WooCommerce on my test page first and had to have noticed the errors there already.

    Of course it is very difficult for a theme programmer / developer if a plugin in the form, as it was done at WooCommerce, is updated. Since so fast to comply, is already a great effort to make it back on WooCommerce 3.0 compatible.

    But as @adrianwackernah commented at the beginning, the development at with Enfold and WooCommerce is something behind. As an example, I would just like to mention my thread

    , in Which went to the change of product raster to product list. Here I received an unsatisfactory answer; I should assign a CSS programmer. What it costs for me was not thought of. Such simple solutions are already included in the “AVADA” theme. I do not want to switch to “Avada”, because I “Enfold” is very familiar, I have it already a few years and otherwise for other websites bought and installed. But the theme developers here at should already accept such comments for a future development.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Hansdieter.


    Thank you for sharing your opinions.
    We do everything on our hand to release updates before but if you also follow the news, woocommerce version 3.0 have been out with tons of bugs for the users and big changes that most was not even anounced, so we can be able to follow.

    We will do try more in the feature, but when your business is on the line, always follow @mensmaximus ideas.
    Staging site and not only changelog is also a must.

    Thank you

    Best regards,

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