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  • #1336489

    Hi there,

    after one of the last updates the woocommerce Gallery 3.0 is broken.

    When a product has only a product-image – everything is ok. When the product has a product-gallery theres no image on the single-productpage. its there, but not visible.

    it happend in ALL of my shops with woocommerce and enfold.
    – yes, i disabled all plugins – no success
    – i tested it with a standard theme. works.
    – i asked woocommerce support. they said its a theme-issue.

    thats why i set up a fresh test-shop.

    examples and logindetails below :-)

    thanks in advanced


    hi there,

    it seems that woocommerce support took a closer look into it.

    todays update fixed it ^^

    can be closed



    Thanks for the update!

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy your weekend :)

    Best regards,

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