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  • #565337

    hello, best wishes for 2016 to all the team and a long life to enfold that I find really fantastic.

    For this fourth site I developed with enfold, I experience for the first time the WooCommerce.

    Please find below some questions for which I need your help:

    1- I can not change the size of the image in the product grid overview. I tried toc hange this setting in WooCommerce / product / display but nothing changes, the image is always square. I would like to have it as in the detailed sheet product.

    2- how can i change the link “back to the shop” when the cart is empty (the shop entry is in an enfold page with a simple product grid and there is shop default page and so the link does not work) .

    3 – How can i change the text higlight for the product special price? (Actually it is “Promo” and i would like to change for example to to “member price”

    thank you in advance for your help and i send you in private message the link.

    kind regards



    Hey sdesign-web!

    Thanks Stan! We are wishing the best for you in 2016 as well :)

    1- Have you regenerated thumbnails after changing their sizes using this plugin – If not, please do so.

    2- Please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display and change “Shop Page”

    3- Can you please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make? I am not sure if i understood you clearly.



    Thank you very much Yigit for your help !

    1 – cool, Perfect !! this plugin has perfectly solved the problem !

    2 – i had already try Settings > Products > Display and change “Shop Page” but there is something i must miss because after i choose the enfold page i want ( see url in private content ), the enfold advanced layout editout become desactivitate and so it breaks all my layout ?

    3 – In fact i would like to add some texte for each product in the product grid below the price. ( see screenshot in p content ) ? Is it possible directly in enfold ? or maybe there is a compatible plugin which handle this ?

    Thank you in advance !



    ooops ! … the link to the screenshot for point (3)

    cheers !



    Please elaborate the ” Enfold Advance Layout Breaks” issue with a screenshot so we can help you fix it.

    Please clarify what is the extra additional info you like to display is it discount price or product description ?

    If it is a discounted price this feature is already in woocommerce

    To achieve the above you can add sale price in the product page.

    By default woocommerce display only the product name and price in the product grid. The feature you are looking for can be achieved by modifying the theme core files. However modifying core files is out of the support scope but we can help to point in the right direction to achieve what you are looking for. Using a child theme is recommended to do these changes.




    hi ! thank you for your help !

    2 – please find in private the link to the screenshot that shows what’s happen in i choose an enfold page with product grid as the shop page.
    Anyway in this site there will be enfold product grid on several avia layout page with different kind of products. And so actually the only thing i need to change is the url link “back to the shop” witch appears when the card is empty ( see screenshot ).

    3 – In fact it will be great if there is a way to make appear the short description shown on product page in enfold product grid overview (see screenshot )

    4 – an additionnal small problem that drive me crazy : on one of my page where i have many same parameters color section with special header inside, there is one where the main texte remains in black and not in white as it should be as customize color. I have tried everything recreate, change position etc … nothing to do : can you help me please to fix it ( see screenshot and link to the page )

    best regards,




    It’s not controlled by enfold it’s a woocommerce thing however we are more than happy to help you with it as it is a simple one please add the below code in functions.php

     * Changes the redirect URL for the Return To Shop button in the cart.
     * @return string
    function wc_empty_cart_redirect_url() {
    	return '';
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_return_to_shop_redirect', 'wc_empty_cart_redirect_url' );

    Show short description in product grid add the below code to the bottom of functions.php

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'woocommerce_template_single_excerpt', 5); 

    4. The color is coming from Enfold > Advance Styling > h1 but cannot say for sure until we take a look at it. Please create a new ticket for this issue and send us your login details with admin access to wordpress site in a private message.

    Before that try the below css if it works great! if not please open a new tickets for new issues to avoid mix up of issues.

    .post-entry-197 .main_color h1{

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much Vinay, great and reactive support !

    for points 2 et 3, just to be sure as i’am novice with php :

    – the file to paste the codes you gave me is this one : wp-content / theme / enfold / functions.php ? ( and not functions-enfold.php )
    – can i paste these code anywere in the file ?

    thanks again


    ps: for point 4, i have tried to paste it in quick css in enfold advance styling css but it doesn’t change, ok i open a new topic for this point



    Yes, that is the correct file which you can edit in Appearance > Editor as well. You can add the code to bottom of the file.
    If you would like us to add the code for you, please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Yigit.
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