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  • #1342335

    Is there a way to place the Woocomerce categories inside a standard/single page?
    That would be a dream come true for me …



    Hey Akhurst,
    Thanks for your link and screenshot, unfortunately, you can not do that directly, you could “fake” a category page by adding a product slider to a page and only show one category in it, but it would not be linked to from product page category links.
    I assume that the reason you want to do this is because you would like to show the special-headings and textblock above the product grid like on your /edgebanders/ page.
    This can be done with a custom shortcode in your functions.php for each category page.
    For example I copied your special-headings and textblocks html, but you could also use the element shortcodes, and added to my child theme functions.php like this:

    function category_description_sc( ){
    	return do_shortcode('<div class="av-special-heading av-l01jfpk8-6ff7d45e06a3edb0c8feca9bc3993089 av-special-heading-h2 meta-heading  avia-builder-el-1  el_before_av_hr  avia-builder-el-first "><h2 class="av-special-heading-tag" itemprop="headline">Edgebanders</h2><div class="special-heading-border"><div class="special-heading-inner-border"></div></div></div>
    <div class="hr av-l01jfxa9-f6ed7abf8e08223ca4bfa21708dacb34 hr-invisible  avia-builder-el-2  el_after_av_heading  el_before_av_textblock "><span class="hr-inner "><span class="hr-inner-style"></span></span></div>
    <section class="av_textblock_section av-l01jg5gy-ffdf42db35c6941bb6b37af284404119" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork"><div class="avia_textblock" itemprop="text"><h3>Beautiful cabinetry requires precision edgebander solutions for optimal aesthetics.</h3>
    <section class="av_textblock_section av-l01jn9y5-d165d9be36c859091452d8ca70ce4545" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork"><div class="avia_textblock" itemprop="text"><p>With such a wide array of panel types and finishes available on the market today, you need the right edgebander to ensure the optimum esthetic of your case goods and cabinet doors.</p>
    <p>At Cantek, we have the right edge banding solution to fit your application, production requirements, and budgeting needs. Today the demands on edgebanders have never been higher, so, in response, our manufacturing partners have worked to revolutionize the edgebander. Edgebanding machines are designed to minimize setup while allowing for wide flexibility of edge banding applications and they can be configured for EVA, Polyurethane, or Polypropylene glues to minimize the visible glue joint. Working units like pre-milling, corner rounding, and glue scraping are available to produce the optimum finished edge.</p>
    <div class="av-special-heading av-l01l61rc-1bcbcc6dd8d5111025c60153096ebed3 av-special-heading-h2 meta-heading  avia-builder-el-5  el_after_av_textblock  el_before_av_productgrid "><h2 class="av-special-heading-tag" itemprop="headline">Choose your solution</h2><div class="special-heading-border"><div class="special-heading-inner-border"></div></div></div>');
    add_shortcode( 'category_description', 'category_description_sc' );

    the shortcode for this is [category_description]
    I add this to one of my product category Description:
    and the result is:
    So while you would need to add one for each category, it should not be any more work than adding the elements to the page.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike!

    When I see this I freeze …hahahahaha

    So, what I need is to present the category as a whole, not the products from the category.
    Like: I have the category SAWS and subcategories like BAND SAWS, RIP SAWS, TABLE SAWS.
    Example: I have a page for SAWS, I wish I could show the subcategories inside and then the user can click and go inside the category and see the products.

    I found some pretty cool shortcodes from Woocomerce, but it shows all the categories, without giving me the option to show the category I want.

    Show Product Categories on any Page
    You can display product categories on any page using the following shortcodes supplied with WooCommerce.

    [product_category] – Display all the products of a certain category
    [product_categories] – Display all product categories

    Go to Dashboard -> Pages and select any page
    Write the shortcode [product_categories] to display all categories
    If you want to more control, you can use below parameters to modify what you want to display.example:[product_categories parent=”0″]
    Click on Publish after making the changes.


    I made it!
    We just need to use the category ID and voila!


    I just wish I could bring the category name in normal formating.
    Capitalize each word and adjust the padding, because is totally stuck to the lower-left corner.
    Is it possible to use a quick CSS for this?


    Glad to hear that you sorted this out, as for you last request, I believe you mean that the category titles are in uppercase and at the lower-left corner, you can change to title case and center with this css:

    #main .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2 {
        text-transform: capitalize;
        text-align: center;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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