Tagged: shop, woocommerce
September 23, 2015 at 6:13 pm #508033
I am just building the online shop now on http://highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk – the main site ios built & works well.
I can edit the /shop/ page, the name has remained the same /shop/ but we can’t view it – the brower presents the message:
[Index of /shop – – Parent Directory – Apache Server at highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk Port 80]
The Woocomerce pages all link back to this page so I can’t just replace it with enfold based theme content.
There has been no edits yet because we have built the main site http://highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk in advance of the online shop.
I’m now on my 8th Enfold website – it is fast becoming our standard theme as most of the features we want are easily built – for example the online-shop. So I have installed one online shop before but this time I seem to be having problems this time that I suspect are due to my inexperience and hopefully an easy fix
Please excuse me if the answer is obvious – I hope it IS!
Thanks – an enthusiastic Enfold/ WordPress developer
September 24, 2015 at 9:21 am #508220Hey studio3enfold,
Not sure what’s going on there, did you clone the page from local to live? Please try to disable all plugins except WooCommerce to see if something is causing a conflict.
Best regards,
RikardSeptember 24, 2015 at 11:44 am #508300Yes but funny – it was broken before I cloned it away to a third directory before cloning it back to the root directory with the proper domain name in place. I have done NO shop development at all so could work with a clean shop if necessary.
So- Cloning it actually fixed the issue until I returned the site to the root directory AFTER I had redirected the proper domain.
I will take your advice – if this doesn’t work why don’t I try and delete woocommerce then reinstall it? – silly?
September 24, 2015 at 12:18 pm #508322A possible solution – what do you think?
I still have the interim cloned website sitting as a separate wordpress install at http://highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk/hbf/
(the place I used during the transfer process to the proper domain name when we built the site – a straight copy didn’t work)
It works !!
Why don’t I just maintain the shop here and cross link back from the /hbf/ shop pages to other pages as required ?
Unless anyone advises otherwise it seems the only issue I’d be concerned with is Enfold Licencing – clearly I’d have 2 copies of the theme. I have paid for one which is intended for the use of highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk. Every commercial site I develop for customers is another licence (8 so far I think) – but they would not be expecting to pay for it again.
In the terms of envato licence this is only for one website and is not for resale and the other code is just a workaround very much in this intention – it is on the same root domain – how would Kriesi feel about this? – should I check with envato?
September 24, 2015 at 12:20 pm #508323PS Rikard – yes thanks – I tried disabling all the other plugins first before testing out the above solution – no change
September 26, 2015 at 11:16 am #509444Hey!
what happens when you activate a default WordPress theme? does the issue remain?
Best regards,
AndySeptember 26, 2015 at 7:58 pm #509566Hi Andy,
Woah! – I am little bit worried about even trying this as we are now live as a commercial site – hence my willingness to work around with the shop in a separate directory. The shop will be a new development – inspired by the enfold shop data – the site is established – just replaced by me as a wordpress/enfold new website last week.
September 28, 2015 at 7:05 am #509825Hi!
Unless anyone advises otherwise it seems the only issue I’d be concerned with is Enfold Licencing – clearly I’d have 2 copies of the theme. I have paid for one which is intended for the use of highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk. Every commercial site I develop for customers is another licence (8 so far I think) – but they would not be expecting to pay for it again.
We’ll ask Kriesi regarding the “license” issue. Did you add any modification to the .htaccess file?
Best regards,
IsmaelSeptember 28, 2015 at 9:54 am #509889Hi Ismael,
No I didn’t edit the .htaccess file (to be honest I’ve never had occassion to do this over a dozen or so wp installations – 2/3 use enfold)).
Thanks for asking our supplier for me – I’ve had a little more time to think about the workaround I’ve come up with – it seems the only functionality I may loose in the template is the ‘cart’ logo from the main site pages but this can be easily replaced by a menu item in the secondary menu pointing to the ‘shop’ directory for the cart page in /hbf/ – it will be activated when the visitor is on shop pages. (I think!!)
I look forward to the feedback from Kriesi – thanks again
September 28, 2015 at 10:30 am #509910Hey!
Using two installations with enfold in this case would not be a problem at all so although I am curious why this error is occurring and I hope we can fix it, you can of course create a “shop” installation of enfold since its the same domain and same project :)
KriesiSeptember 28, 2015 at 10:41 am #509915PS: I did take a look at your installation and am not quite sure why the “shop” url does not work but changing the url of the default shop to: http://highlandbespokefurniture.co.uk/online-shop/ works.
My best guess would be to check if you got a real folder on your FTP server that has the name “shop” since it might be causing the problem. Or you can simply go with a different url. That would certainly be easier than using a second installation :)
September 28, 2015 at 11:15 am #509931Hi Kriesi,
You were right – I did have a /shop/ directory – only in the root so of course, so my temp directory wasn’t affected – I think I may even have put that folder in mysefl at some point in the development – can’t actually remember exactly when or why!!
Just removed it and the shop works properly – AND good news – I only have one wordpress installation to maintain when we complete the shop!
I am therefore very grateful – and thanks.
For your information – before I selected Enfold I did a lot of research to select a theme for my first major WP job – http://www.studio3.org/ – amongst the cirteria which led to selection was the flexibility (so I could go on to use the theme and my experience with it on other jobs) but just as important was numbers of installs as it is very important for a ‘one man band’ like me to have assured support.
You have just confirmed this was a good call! ;)
Many thanks
September 28, 2015 at 1:51 pm #510067 -
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