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  • #1411951

    I am creating a site with the latest enfold version and woo commerce version 7.7.2 there is an update to woo commerce to 7.8.1 but if I update this the Cart drop down doesn’t have any content inside of it. I have supplied you my site details and currently the drop down works but if you could update woo commerce plugin and fix the dropdown hovering on the cart.

    before update:
    Add an item into your basket
    Hover over the basket icon see and the drop down menu working
    next update the woocommerce plugin and the drop down now doesn’t work on the cart icon.

    Can you please take a look over this and help me fix please?



    Hey Dave,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The issue with the cart dropdown has been resolved in the latest version of the theme. Please upgrade to version 5.6.3 and make sure to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings afterward.

    Additionally, a new filter has been introduced to re-enable the cart dropdown on cart and checkout pages. You can try the code below in the functions.php file.

    add_filter("woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden", "__return_false");

    Best regards,


    I’ve encountered this bug on my website, but unfortunately due to a different bug (reported in another thread), I cannot currently update my site to 5.6.5 without causing major problems. Is there any way that I could gain access to a download of 5.6.3, so that I can get the bug fix for the dropdown issue without the other bug? Or perhaps you could just provide me the relevant code to fix the dropdown issue, as a bandaid solution?


    Following up. Any chance of getting that 5.6.3 download, or code I can add to 5.6.2 to fix the issue? Thanks.


    Hi @perfectword,

    I emailed Enfold 5.6.3 to the address you provided when registering for our forums. Let us know if you didn’t receive it or would like us to send it to another address.

    Best regards,


    Got it. Thank you.



    You are welcome. Let us know if you have any other questions.


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