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  • #669167

    Won’t autoupdate and still says I’m on 3.4.6 after FTPing latest version of Enfold. I have my ThemeForest login and API key entered in theme. Please help ASAP. Thanks.


    Hey Ottograf,

    Please try the following plugin in order to clear WordPress transients:

    Best regards,


    Thanks, but I Installed it months ago and it is not making a difference. I am on 3.4.6 it won’t update even though I tried by FTP as well, and it won’t automatically update as well. I sent you my site’s login info. Could you please go in and get it working?



    Hi Steve,

    Yes please post admin login details in private and we’ll have a look at it. Also include FTP login details if the WordPress update should not work for us either.



    Hi Rikard,

    I posted them in private when I posted the discussion, but I’ve added them below again. Will add the FTP, too.




    One of the reason for the update options to not work is because the site transient is old. Please try this plugin to clear WordPress transients if you do not receive auto updates and make sure your API key is correct:

    If it does not help, I am afraid you might need to update the theme manually –

    Unfortunately not all Server environments are able to make use of the auto update feature provided by ThemeForest :/

    If you have any issue after updating the theme via FTP please create a folder named Enfold-v3.7 and upload the theme files to this folder so we can further troubleshoot this issue.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Vinay.

    I am getting frustrated. Please read the entire discussion thread. I installed the transient cleaner months ago and it’s up to date. I have tried to install the updated theme by FTP. I sent you all of the login details for my site and then the FTP info two times!

    Rikard told me he would go in, whether by FTP or WordPress, and try to update the site. The way things stand, Enfold and Kriesi are a complete failure for me and I will end up throwing it away.

    Please fix it or tell me just to get another theme.



    I can help you fix this but I just need a little bit of cooperation. Don’t worry I’m not going to ask you to troubleshoot or replace the files. I just need you to upload a copy of the theme so we can help you with this issue.

    1. Please download the latest copy of the theme from themeforest.
    2. Extract the enfold theme folder and rename it to enfold-v3.7 .
    3. Upload the extracted folder “enfold-v3.7” to “wp-content\themes” folder.
    4. Permission to replace your theme files via FTP.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Vinay.

    I did that via FTP last week. Under Theme Update and Appearance Themes it still shows that I’m on 3.4.6.

    I sent all the login info via private content here so you can log into the account via FTP or through WP. Please see if you can do it yourself, because I tried twice to do it and it didn’t work.



    The update is not done right I’m trying to make it easier for you. You just need to upload your own copy of the theme. I request you to download a fresh copy and extract the enfold folder from the package, rename it to enfold-v3.7 and upload to wp-content/themes folder. Then give us the permission to replace the theme file. So we can further investigate this issue from our end.



    OK, thanks. Enfold is uploaded again (version 3.71) via FTP. I’ll give you the login info again in Private Content below.




    Thank you for uploading the latest version of the theme.

    I re-named the earlier enfold theme folder to enfold-ol and changed the styles.css to style.css.old so there wont be any conflict with the new theme which is now activated by re-naming the folder “Enfold v3.7” to “enfold” as you can see in the below screenshot.

    I think your server does not support auto update you have to do it manually.

    Best regards,

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