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  • #371483


    I using “Woocommerce” and “WP e-Commerce Compare Products” plugins and need to manually set compare button position next to the Add to Cart button. Can you please help me to add this code `<?php if ( function_exists(‘woo_add_compare_button’ ) ) echo woo_add_compare_button(); ?>
    ` next to the Add to Cart button.


    Hey zibaloon2!

    Open up /enfold/config-woocommerce/config.php and find line 226 which should look like this.

    if($output && !post_password_required()) echo "<div class='avia_cart_buttons $extraClass'>$output</div>";

    Try adding this above it.

    if ( function_exists( 'woo_add_compare_button' ) ) { $output .= woo_add_compare_button(); }

    You may have to do some CSS work with it though.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Elliott.

    Hey zibaloon2!

    What do you mean? what kind of help do you want?
    I think you should add this code to the file functions.php



    Hi Bro

    Does not work for me.



    Perhaps the plugin function is echoing out the content instead of returning it. It would be best to contact the plugin authors about this.

    Best regards,

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