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  • #777516


    Once I updated to the latest version of Woo Commerce Version 3.0.3, all my product pages with images are fuzzy.
    I have read through the treads, tried different browsers, tired changing the image size, re generated thumbnails.
    Still Fuzzy images.

    Any thoughts


    Hi kandolina,

    Please refer to solutions given by mensmaximus.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I think as a theme developer you need to take greater responsibility to fix your themes to work with Woo Commerce. I have 90 plus client sites running your theme. The solution you offered with takes us days to fix and implement for our clients.

    The bugs we are finding in your Enfold theme are numerous. Your column tool does not work for smartphones.
    When you add an image to a text blog and then go into the image and add descriptions and tags, save it then these show up with the image size and the descriptions is messed up.
    Our list of bugs is HUGE which we have had to find ways to work around these bugs.

    And now the best fix you can offer for Woo is this mess to go through. Which by the way we tried and it does not work for all or sites running Woo. Having a few thousand products in Woo on different sites. To be honest it would be faster to drop your theme and use one that works then deal with this mess.




    We appreciate your feedback, but if you check the posts, the issues are from side of WooCommerce and not from ours.
    In any case, we will do take it as consideariton.

    Thank you


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