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  • #1437114

    On some of my Enfold-based sites I use google analytics to monitor traffic and try to improve my google ranking.
    Now, I’m not an expert on cookies… but I would like to make sure I comply with all the regulations in force.
    My question is: to comply with all the regulations, do I need to install third-party plugins?
    Or can I just use the “Privacy and Cookies > Cookie Handing” options panel and “Enable cookie consent messages”?

    Best regards


    Hey Oriano,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you enable analytics by embedding the tracking script in the Enfold > Google Services > Google Analytics Tracking Code field? If you did, you can then enable the default options in the Privacy and Cookies settings to allow users to toggle the tracker cookies as they wish. You will only need to install third-party plugins if the analytics were embedded in other ways, such as through a third-party plugin or by directly embedding the tracking script in a template file.

    Best regards,

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