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  • #1122946

    Nach dem neuen EuGH Urteil (siehe hier
    ist ein OPT-IN nun verpflichtend.
    Daher möchte ich gerne, dass beim Betreten meiner Seite im Popup-Fenster für die Cookie-Settings erst einmal standardmäßig alles DEAKTIVIERT ist.

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    Wie mache ich das bitte oder habt ihr eine elegantere Lösung oder ein Update für das Cookie-Fenster gemäß dem neuen EuGH Urteil (siehe Link eben)?



    I would like to hear some news from kriesi about this topic. I have some pages with enfold and now we all have this problem.


    Bezüglich OPT-IN und den vorgefertigten Teilen Buttons: Was genau passiert bei der Einbindung vom Facebook teilen Button. Steht man da rechtlich vor dem gleichen Problem, wie bei einer Like Funktion oder wird das ander gehandhabt?


    mach bitte deinen eigenen Post auf, meine Frage war eine ganz andere, technische, danke.



    Easier to get support in English from any of our Support Agents if you need to describe the problem. We are also just fine if the community can keep helping.

    Best regards,


    there are some German questions here, too – this is a GDPR / DSGVO problem, but some of your German support members like @guenter will understand this, especially Kriesi itself, because his website, located in Austria, is affected from this, too.

    But okay, here translated with Google translator:

    The ECJ yesterday made an opt-in mandatory for all scripts collecting user data and for cookies.
    Is it possible to configure the ENFOLD cookie consent popup so that an opt-in is the default value, that the user must explicitly agree FIRST, that scripts and cookies may be executed and THEN these may be loaded or set?
    The current state of the cookie consents popup in ENFOLD is now no longer legal.



    Thank you for the info.

    We will forward this to @Guenter or @Kriesi. Please wait for their response.

    Best regards,


    thank you so far!



    Thank you for using Enfold and this info.

    We will add a solution for this problem with the next update.

    As soon as I have implemented it Kriesi will release the next version.



    Thanks a lot, Günter!


    @guenter is there any ETA for the next version?


    Sorry but there is no ETA at this time, but I can tell you there is a lot of activity on this on this on our GitHub page so it is moving forward quickly. Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    okay, but how can I make now the popup GDRP ready? Opt-in is now mandatory – otherwise we cannot use it at all.



    With version 4.5.7 it is not possible.

    In private content you find the link to a zip file containing a beta version of Enfold including this feature.

    You will need an external program like winrar to unzip the file. Then you can upload with ftp to your server.
    If you have a staging site you can check check out the features first.

    Do not forget to clear server and browser cache and keep a copy of 4.5.7 for a fallback.

    Select “use default modal privacy popup” in theme options to see the new added things and there is a new button action “Do not accept and hide notification” and new shortcodes to add functionality to a custom page.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Günter.

    Great, Günter, thank you very much, I will try it!



    Thanks for the update, please let us know if you should have any problems with it.

    Best regards,


    Can u share the ZIP file link please?


    Hi combra,

    Please open a new thread so that you can see private content :)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Please open your own thread so that you can see private content.

    Best regards,


    It is resolved with ENFOLD v4.6 – you can close this ticket now, thank you!



    Enjoy the theme and have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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