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  • #178303

    I seen this on the here a few times, but still cant figure it out ><;

    Is there a way I can put a short-code into a content-box via the advance layout editor? I created a custom content-box and need to put the blog in there on the homepage as a section.

    Before I was adding a widget that displays the blog, events, and news, but I tried to get the short code through the basic editor, copied, and pasted it into the advance textbox and no luck… Any other options I can try??

    In the long run, I have a content box (with a image on/title) and really want to display the blog within that area. Any suggestions would be amazing!! :)

    Thank you so much.


    Hey mdlhale!

    I don’t know what you mean by a content box. Can you give an example or a bit more explanation?


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