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  • #860796


    i’m trying to position a widget in a sidebar, to the top/right edges. but the container has an overflow: hidden causing my widget content to be cut off. i can’t change the container’s overflow without the whole layout getting messed up. the sidebar container has a z-index of 1, so i thought i could just put a z-index:999 on my widget & that would bring it to the top, but it’s not working. not sure what i’m doing wrong.

    here’s a screenshot showing what i mean…

    assistance appreciated, thanks!


    Hey SyberKnight,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    In private section…


    any ideas on this yet?

    how can i “position: absolute;” something at the far right of the sidebar without its padding & overflow:hidden cutting it off?
    z-index isn’t working.



    okay, so, i was able to accomplish what i wanted/needed without help on this one, but only due to the results of these other two threads… and …so YAY!

    whether there’s an underlying issue with the base coding (shown in screenshot above) or if it was just the plugin placing the code in the wrong place, i don’t know,
    but for future reference in case it helps anybody else, i had to disable the plugin and just add the custom code from their “website” settings in to the Child > Header.php file, where i wanted it to show.
    and then use css to position it where i needed it to be on the pages.

    oddly (to me) doing it this way did NOT cut it off in the sidebars (like it did via the plugin as shown in the above screenshot).

    so can consider this thread closed (for me).
    THANKS for the help on the other issues tho!!!



    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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