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  • #1353635

    Hi there!

    When I added a full width element to my page the side bar nav got shifted to the bottom.
    This wont work, so I understand I can manually add it using the columns and a widget feature. However when I do this it is not styled the same as the original sidebar. :(
    Is there a way I can make it match, as well as have it highlight the active page?
    See links below… and thanks in advance for your help.


    Hey epkdesign,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You use this css code to apply a border to the right side of the first column but it will not look exactly the same as the default sidebar template.

    div .flex_column:first-child {
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-right-width: 1px;
        margin-right: -1px;
        padding-right: 50px;

    You can also use this css code to adjust the font color of the widget links.

    #top .widget a {
        color: gray;

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the Quick response.

    Is there anyway to make it highlight the active page?


    Hi epkdesign,

    You can use this CSS selector to target the current/active page:

    .widget_nav_menu .current-menu-item>a, .widget_nav_menu .current_page_item>a

    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,

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