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  • #504468

    I need a custom widget area in the header, to the right, with the menu option set at logo left/menu right.
    I have added the widget area no problem via the snippets here (awesome btw) and am wondering if anyone else has done this and has some good CSS for handling the scroll?

    Once the scroll happens and header gets fixed, I need my custom widget to sit above the nav, below the secondary nav…all the absolute positioning is messing up my mind ;) Is it just a matter of altering the sticky header height?


    Hi thatryan,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Linked is the site, not live yet.
    The search in the header is the default search right now as I they layout to work, but will be replaced with a custom search for a plugin I am making.

    I need to get that area to work right in tablet and mobile views…seems to be ok on desktop right now.

    Thank you



    how do you want it to look like on mobile? can you provide us a mockup please? then we can provide you some precise CSS code to achieve what you want. Use imgur.com or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy, thanks,

    so something like this where the search block drops below the main nav area..



    Please try the following in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header .widget {
        top: 81px !important;
    #header .widget form {
    width:100% !important;



    Thanks, that will work to play with.

    I am going to need to style a custom form input to match the search input, where can I find styles to match? Are there specific classes to grab?

    Thank you!



    Do you mean the default contact form? If so the surrounding div has these classes:



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