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  • #982392


    When I edit the page in defult editor, it is normal. But when I turn it to the advance layout editor, all the contents disappeared. Why?



    Hey Enffie,
    The default editor & advanced layout builder are not meant to work together, so please only use one or the other on any single page or post.

    Best regards,



    Yes I know. What I mean is it is normal in the advanced layout builder,it shows all the contents, but once I use the default editor version, all the contents disappeared. Why?



    If I understand correctly, you are saying that when a page is built with the advanced layout builder, and then you switch to the default editor and edit it, the advanced layout builder elements disappear?
    This is because the default editor is braking the shortcode, we don’t recommend this.
    Perhaps if you explain why you would want to do this we can offer a different solution.

    Best regards,



    Yes, you are right!
    But can you help to fix this problem? As I am using the YOAST SEO plugin, it needs to switch to default editor to show all the codes and contents to check the page SEO and make some modification. That’s why I want to fix this issue so that the SEO plugin works properly.

    Thanks and Regards,


    Please try to Enable Avia Layout Builder Debug and see if Yoast can read the shortcode in it’s window, otherwise you can copy the shortcode and paste into another blank default editor, let Yoast make it’s changes, then paste it back into the debugger window.
    I recommend saving a copy of the original shortcode, because editing it can brake the layout.
    I don’t use Yoast, but this is the first time I’ve heard that Yoast needs to edit the shortcode.

    Best regards,



    Thanks a lot!
    It works after I enable the debug mode!
    Actually, I don’t have to modify the code. But some of the Yoast’s analytics checking need to switch to advance layout editor window. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, I will save copy before any edition.



    Hi Enffie,

    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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