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  • #262306

    In my posts i have this;

    <footer class="entry-footer">
    <span class="blog-tags minor-meta">
    <strong>Mots-clés :</strong>
    <span> <a href="" rel="tag">Evènement</a> 

    > I do not want to use tags on my sites
    >> More exactly: I use tags but only for displaying the related posts and do some filters, I do not want them to be visible in the source code
    It creates a lot off 500 errors


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by pako69.

    Hey pako69!

    If you’ve chosen to hide those elements with the theme options they get display: none. Search engines ignore those items.

    Best regards,


    Hello Devin
    There is no option to hide tags in Enfold theme options.
    I hide thos tags with a simple:
    .blog-tags {display:none;}
    However Google do no ignore them. I have built a lot of sites with some texts with display:none, and yes Google index them.
    Is there any wordpress hook to realy remove them?



    Did you fix it? i checked your website and the entry-footer was empty on all posts:

    Edit: i was seeing the archive page, to remove them from the single page try the following: open /includes/loop-index.php and remove these lines:

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by Josue.

    Hello Josue
    I just modified the loop-index.php to do not display those tags.
    It will easier if that was an option in Enfold theme option… :-)


    Noted :)

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