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  • #878027

    Hello support!

    I created a small commented screencast video for you here to show my problem:

    It shows that the website ( somehow has a problem when loading the subpage restaurant ( It’s not (or partially not) loaded in Safari (0:20) in comparison to Chrome (1:27). Menus seem to work when the page is loaded initially but after scrolling through a while, they don’t react anymore (1:15), neither do other buttons.

    Is it my connection or machine? My client reports the same problems. I already tried stipping off all plugins but that didn’t solve it. Since it’s mostly text on that site, I don’t think that size matters here, no? In Firefox, the page is at least loaded well while the buttons and menu items don’t work as well after a while of scolling through the page.. Could it have to do with the hosting? I moved to PHP 7.0 and checked the unfortunate 128MB PHP memory limit. Could that be the bottleneck? I’m not searching for an easy way out here but…

    Uff… what to do!?!? Help! … and thanks already for tackling this with me!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by hanneska. Reason: added the hosting-guess

    Looking at the page in detail, I have the impression that mainly the subpage shows that freaky freezing behavior and has problems loading…

    EDIT: Try to describe as detailed as possible.
    Alright, I pretty much nailed it down now. It is definitely the “tab sections”. The seam to load so crazily lazy that they stop everything else – that’s my laymen’s formulation. If you scroll up and down for a bit on “” (including tab sections), you realize how the page seems to freeze. Waiting for a couple of minutes, the page was reacting again (buttons, menu hover, clicks). So it’s not exactly frozen.
    Just compare “” and “” that I duplicated from “” and then stipped-off single elements in the layout-builder as a K.O.-method. Comes out in the end: If either tabbed section (food or drinks menu) gets removed, the site is fast-as-fred.
    On the other hand, I duplicated the and stipped off everything but the menus in See how only those two tabbed sections seem to quasi-freeze the page after you navigate and click through the page for a little while?

    Hope that makes it much easier to deal with the problem!

    But since the menus are a super important element, what to do now?

    Thanks already for your support, Kriesi. It’s much appreciated!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by hanneska. Reason: Problem Identification. Figured out it's the tab sections. What to do now?


    So before I start an edit-war with myself here, I’ll add one last thing and point in case:

    To over-exemplify the problem with the tab sections, I created a “linear menu paage” where I put all the content from in a linear order in different color-sections. It’s fast and loads without any problem. Also, you can browse and click as long/much you want, the page doesn’t slow down. So it’s the tab sections, for sure, their content is not a problem.



    Hi Hannes,

    The page can kill a computer with slower processor. The menus you’re loading in the pdf viewer are very memory intensive and cpu too. The page hung up my Chrome window and made the fans of my Mac ramp up.

    Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for you thorough reply as well as your explanation! I’ll try to stop forum monologues..

    I understand that PDF plugins may be pretty memory intensive. But you experience the slowing down of while scrolling and clicking as well, right? If it would be just the PDFs, why does the “linear menu page” ( NOT freeze and stays smooth, compared to menus plus tab section ( that does freeze up. The only difference is really the tab sections, ALL other things equal afaik.




    Have you addressed all of the following:

    Web Hosting – When your web hosting server is not properly configured it can hurt your website speed.

    WordPress Configuration – If your WordPress site is not serving cached pages, then it will overload your server thus causing your website to be slow or crash entirely.

    Page Size – Mainly images that aren’t optimized for web.

    Bad Plugins – If you’re using a poorly coded plugin, then it can significantly slow down your website.

    External scripts – External scripts such as ads, font loaders, etc can also have a huge impact on your website performance.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    All are checked. All are optimized for speed. Not perfectly though, the page being still in beta without full SEO and optimization. But pingdom (!/cYdv7n/

    Also (probably) rebutting Victoria’s guess regarding the memory intensiveness of the PDF rendering: If you look on where I just stripped off the latter tab section, compared to, the page is not freezing. It also works, if I remove the first of both tab sections but I thought have a better point with showing a smooth page rendering with letting the tab section plus PDF in place..

    But you’re both right though, I guess. Looking for a slimmer PDF plugin or opting for an image based solution would improve the general performance of the page.

    Anyway that doesn’t solve the page freezing issue with, caused by the both (!) tab sections.



    The page is a bit choppy or heavy. How can we login to the site? I tried “wp-admin” and “wp-login” but it’s not working. We would like to re-create the page without the PDF plugin and compare the performance.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for touching base with me! I couldn’t figure out where the white screen of death comes from. Logging in into FTP and temporarily renaming the plugins folder worked fine with accessing the wp-login link in the private content section.

    I already tested the version without only the ppdf plugin and it froze nevertheless. But in a version with one tab section less (even with both pdf embedded), it runs smooth, as you see in If you should have further problems with logging in, I’ll be happy to help out!




    Thank you for the info. Did you move the site? The pages above are not loading anymore.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    yeah it’s right. We had to launch alraedy to But everything else is the same!



    Thank you for the update. The login url is not loading though. I tried “wp-admin” and “wp-login”.

    Best regards,


    Strange… I can access it. Do you get a white screen?



    It redirects to a 404 page. ( see private field )

    Best regards,


    Sorry for this oong delay, I was AFK for a while… I get this login white screen from time to time as well. But if you try

    it should work. It does for me at least.

    Thanks for your perseverance… :)



    It’s been a while. Glad you’re back. :)

    The following thread seems to be related to the issue.


    Please try modification that we provided there.

    Best regards,


    Yeah, that sounds familiar! And cool, it works! Is that a modification I better incorporate into the child theme? How to not lose it after the next Enfold update? Or is that going to be resolved later on?

    Best an huuuge thanks to you and the great ★★★★★-support team!


    If the mod is added to the child theme it will be safe from future updates.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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