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    I checked the threads and the answers are all highly specific to the poster’s site. Been using Enfold for a while now, and one of the things that tacks on a lot of time for final polishing is that the Whitespace Content Element doesn’t work consistently.

    Point in case, when using a negative pixel amount between one color section (no padding checked in the section box) and another color section with a Partner/Logo Element? (again, no padding in the section) you actually add padding–even if you input -100.

    It seems as though there are just default padding settings applied to certain elements (unlike other elements like the Special Heading which offers padding settings). Is there any table of contents for what all the Avia drag and drop elements are called so I can adjust them via quick CSS without hasseling the Kriesi team on little details? :)

    If not, how can I adjust the padding of the Partner/Logo Element?


    Hey raisonbrands,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Sure Rikard and thanks,

    Please check the private link below. Mind you, the padding looks fine right now because I cropped all the logos to have zero padding of their own, I’d just like to be able to make it whatever need be in the future.



    You can use the following css code if you want to adjust the padding and margin of the logo container.

    .avia-logo-element-container {
        margin: 50px 0;
        padding: 50px;

    Adjust the value as needed. Unfortunately, we don’t have specific documentation for each element but they’re pretty straight forward so they’re not that difficult to use.



    Thanks Ismael, much appreciated.



    Glad that we could help! If you have the time, you can find a few useful information in the theme’s documentation.



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