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  • #984406

    Hi, I just updated my site to the latest WordPress version and then updated Enfold, but now I have the white screen of death.

    By hosting provider sent me this:

    I have changed your php to 7.0 from 5.4 and set these 3 php settings to the maximum i could for your server:

    upload_max_filesize 32M

    post_max_size 40M

    memory_limit 256M

    Please advise


    PS. I also tried updating prior to the PHP update from the hosting provider. Same result.

    I dialled back to an April 2018 release of Enfold and it worked fine.



    Sorry for the problems. Some files have changed location in the latest version of the theme, that is likely why you are having problems. Could you try to completely remove the theme folder from the server, then upload the new version to see if that works please? Make sure to keep proper backups of your site in case you should need to roll back again.

    Best regards,

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