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  • #1371580

    HI to the support of my favorite WP-Theme,

    i can’t see or find the setting to remove the white border around the Slide-Show (full-width).

    I’m sure it’s just a little Quick CSS Code but i didn’t found it in the code.

    Looking forward to your reply.



    Hi sn82com,

    Thanks for giving us the link. :)
    We have inspected the image and it seems to contain a white border.
    I have posted the image link and screenshot link in private content.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    thanks for this eye opener. Embarrassing… ;)

    But even when i remove this little white line… i still got a border like a little shadow. See link in private content.
    I can’t explain this border. You got an idea?


    Hi sn82com,

    No worries, we all do make those mistakes :D
    As for the shadow, it’s from the slider, you can remove it by adding this CSS code:

    #top .avia-fullwidth-slider.avia-shadow {
        box-shadow: none;

    Best regards,

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