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  • #1005719

    Hello, I have a question. To do a good SEO work on my website which structure do you recommend?

    For example:

    For texts: Text block?

    For titles: special heading?

    Note that in the sub heading there is no way to put links in the parts of the text. No text block yes.

    What do you recommend?

    Is it possible to insert link in the special heading?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by mleite1.

    Hey mleite1,

    It is better to consult with a SEO Optimisation team, so they can be able to help you properly :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the feedback. I realize you did not understand my question. Our team specializes in developing texts for SEO in a perfect way. What we need to know is whether your assembly structure is appropriate for easy indexing with Google.

    For example:

    Special Heading does not allow links to be placed in words and other attributes that aid in indexing.

    You understand me? Is Enfold Appropriate for SEO (Indexing)?



    Special Heading does not allow links to be placed in words and other attributes that aid in indexing.

    As far as I know you can add links to the special heading. You just need to wrap the words into an a href element like:

    <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Google">Nice Headline</a>

    (screenshot: ).

    Personally I’d recommend to use text blocks for the text content, the special heading element or text blocks for headlines. For code (iframes, javascript embeds, etc.) I’d recommend to use the code block element.

    Best regards,

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