Tagged: caching, mega menu, performance
Dear Support,
Which scripts are there for loading the mega menu?
I want to check the loading sequence and how can I improve something for loading. I use WP rocket and we can exclude files.
The mega menu is loading relative late, but should load early to have a fast interactivity; above the fold.
I have this behavior of my mega menu (PS: You can take a look, if this also a perspective for a new modern mega menu style for enfold (also mobile)
Best regards
Hey S.,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You can find the mega menu script in the themes/enfold/js/avia-snippet-megamenu.js file. It is registered in the functions.php file around line 486, handle is “avia-megamenu”.
//mega menu inclusion (only necessary with sub menu items)
$condition = ( avia_get_submenu_count('avia') > 0 );
avia_enqueue_script_conditionally( $condition , 'avia-megamenu', $template_url . '/js/avia-snippet-megamenu.js', array( 'avia-default' ), $vn, true );
Best regards,