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  • #897729


    where can I modify the output of the normal “Recent-Comments”-Widget (not the Combo widget!) please?


    I would like to add a date and a time, without loosing the styling of this widget; for this reason I don’t want to use a variant of the Combo theme.
    What theme file can I modify for this?

    Thank you.


    Hey Chris,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    My site is not online yet, but you can check this by yourself just by using the default “recent comments” widget.

    I just need to know, how to modify this, so that I can show there date and time of the comment.
    And no, I don’t want to use the Combo widget for it.



    That is not possible with that widget, but you can always try find an alternative widget that can give you more options.

    Thank you for your understanding

    Best regards,


    okay, but can you tell me please, what file is assigned for/to the default recent comments widget?



    It cant be modified through a child theme.

    Best regards,


    I do not use a child theme, so in what file is it located please?



    You would need to create one to be able to modify the file and do not loose the modifications.

    Best regards,


    thanks, … and what file please?



    The recent commenrs widget one, which is assosiated with the modification you want to do.

    Best regards,


    there is no file named “recent comments widget”?!?!?



    That widget is a default WP widget so you can’t modify it. It’s possible but you’ll have to dig deep within the core WP files. It’s located in the wp-includes > widgets folder, named class-wp-widget-recent-comments.php file.

    Best regards,

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