Dear support,
I’m finding that my website is loading rather slowly.
Any suggestions as to what host to use so it can load faster? What do you guys use nowadays?
Many thanks,
Miguel Kieling
Hi Mkieling!
Thank you for using the theme.
Do you mind if we take a look at the actual website? It really depends on the type of hosting plan that you have. If you’re using a shared server or plan, expect the loading speed of the website to be average. Try to optimize the website by following these little steps:
1. Optimize all images with AI/Photoshop before uploading to server ‘save as web safe’ jpg
2. Once all images are on the website optimize with ewww optimizer plugin twice 1hr 10mins apart.
3. Install wp-smushit run once to remove jpeg extra data, then uninstall.
4. Use BWP minify plugin to minify scripts and stylesheets.
5. Install WP-Super cache, select all recommended settings.
6. Logout your website, visit every page at least once to create super cache files.
7. Join Cloudflare setup your website on their CDN, Choose options: Full CDN Optimisation save then activate purge files. once done log out.
8. Have a cup of coffee.
9. Visit your site after 20 minutes or so.
10. Don’t forget to smile.
If you’re still not satisfied with the page speed, get a dedicated server for your domain. You can try Media Temple or Bluehost. They have plans specifically for WordPress websites.