Dear support
at the moment we notcied several problems with version 4.5.5 and we do not know if this problems can all be solved by your support. In worst case want roll back to version 4.5.3 where can we find old theme files?
Thanks in advance Marc
Hey Marc,
4.5.6 was released yesterday, could you try that first? If you are still having problems then we can send you that version.
Best regards,
Dear @Rikard
there is no update in backend available. There is no notification in the backend. Also if we check manually update. And at themeforrest there is a older version than 4.5.6 to download. Any other way to receive files from 4.5.6?
Best Regards Marc
Dear @Rikard
one question more — if we have to roll back can we easily replace enfold folder with files from 4.5.3? Please can you send files if we can not work with version 4.5.6? We have to fix problems until next week.
Best Regards Marc
Unfortunately, we can’t send you the old version of the theme. What are the errors in the latest version? Maybe we can help you out. The latest version 4.5.6 is available on Themeforest.
Best regards,
Dear @Ismael
please have a look there, this is our main problem to solve, because we use different shortcodes on different pages. We can not edit these pages at at the moment.
WPDM Downloadmanager Button Shortcode
Best regards Marc