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  • #1260805

    Having some trouble here installing a livechat (ApexChat) into our site. I installed their plugin, but don’t see a place where to add this code. Any ideas?

    Here’s what they sent me:

    Here’s the code which needs to be installed on the website along with
    instructions (this is normally done by the person or company which set
    up the website and normally takes just a few minutes):


    1. Add the code between the <body> </body> tags of the page. Note: We
    highly recommend installing the code right above the 2 nd <body> tag near
    the bottom. This allows the website to fully load before the invitation is

    2. We recommend you add the code to all website pages; however at a
    minimum add it to the key pages like the landing page, home page and
    contact page


    Hey alexx8675,

    Please try this in your functions.php file:

    function alexx8675_add_chat_script(){
    <script src="//"
    add_action('wp_footer', 'alexx8675_add_chat_script');

    Best regards,

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