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  • #361793

    I bought the ENFOLD theme. I read a whole lot of reviews saying how good it is. I love the Demos!!

    BUT, when I started to use it I began looking for the general TRAINING – Steps to DO THIS – DO THAT
    I started looking for training Videos. I had stumbled across them once before.
    BUT … when I started looking for some kind of Beginner Training & the Videos all I find is “SUPPORT” = FORUM
    Even the one that says “You are here: Home / Forums / FAQ & Video Tutorial” I find a long list of topics/questions.
    Under that is: General Questions — in no logical order …. and THAT IS ALL!
    That gives me GREAT concern.

    The ENFOLD forum doesn’t even say it has FAQ & VIDEOS .. just lots of post from others to wander through.
    That is a horrible way to help us be productive as newbies.

    Surely someone in the support department can figure out how to make it bluntly obvious to us newbies where the FAQs & VIDEOS are.
    I have spent an hour trying to find them.
    My measure of the professionalism for is suffering!

    Seriously I have been looking for an hour!!
    There should be HUGE links at the Top of the page that say VIDEOS // FAQs // GETTING STARTED



    Actually there should be a new MENU in the Top Menu for the site that says: DOCUMENTATION
    and has a list of all the Themes with links to the Documentation, Videos, and FAQs


    Hey there Hanktate,

    I’m not sure if it’s linked from this main support page but I found this link that came with my theme download incredibly useful:

    It has a great FAQ, including getting started that you asked about

    Also great videos

    and tutorials for more advanced stuff

    I hope this helps!


    Thanks mycho,
    Where were they with your theme download?
    They’re not on my member/subscriber page.

    I do hope someone with sees this post and “unhides” the documentation.
    No one should have to spend an hour hunting for it.
    I still can’t find a link to it anywhere in the site design …

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by hanktate.


    Enfold documentation can be found here –
    and if there any features that you wished Enfold had, please feel free to request them here –
    For any other questions or issues, please post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you! :)

    Thank you for your help! :)


    Thank you.

    I discovered that others in the Forum have asked the same question.
    The fact that the question is asked at all would seem to me a warning sign that something has been missed by the web designer.
    Is there a reason why Kriesi has chosen to hide, or not make obvious, the documentation links?

    It seems that it would improve newbie satisfaction AND save the Kriesi staff time if DOCUMENTATION links were put at the top of each Templates Forum Page AND a DOCUMENTATION menu added to the main menu with a list of all the templates and a link to their documentation.



    Thank you for the feedback. I will let Kriesi know about your request.


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