July 20, 2019 at 4:32 pm #1120448
Hello guys,
I want to edit the blog roll file but I cant find it – where is it exactly?
Thank you!
- This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by coolicious.
July 20, 2019 at 11:59 pm #1120505Hey coolicious,
You can add custom CSS to Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling. The template files are located in wp-content/themes/enfold/.
Best regards,
Jordan ShannonJuly 21, 2019 at 1:36 am #1120540Thanks for your reply.
I added some custom CSS yet, thats not my problem.
And I want to know where exactly the file is. Your given location is not enough for me to find it.July 21, 2019 at 2:34 am #1120545Hi,
Please look for \enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\blog\blog.phpBest regards,
MikeJuly 21, 2019 at 11:16 am #1120590Thank you Mike :)
When I want to add the ” publishing date” to the frontend, how can I do that? (look at private content)
Thank you!
July 21, 2019 at 6:23 pm #1120670Hi coolicious,
Here is an article that can help you do it
https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-back-date-your-wordpress-posts/Best regards,
VictoriaJuly 23, 2019 at 2:43 pm #1121208Hey guys,
in which position should I implement the piece of code to display the date?
<?php /** * Blog Posts * * Displays Posts from your Blog */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! class_exists( 'avia_sc_blog' ) ) { class avia_sc_blog extends aviaShortcodeTemplate { /** * Create the config array for the shortcode button */ function shortcode_insert_button() { $this->config['self_closing'] = 'yes'; $this->config['name'] = __('Blog Posts', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['tab'] = __('Content Elements', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['icon'] = AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."sc-blog.png"; $this->config['order'] = 40; $this->config['target'] = 'avia-target-insert'; $this->config['shortcode'] = 'av_blog'; $this->config['tooltip'] = __('Displays Posts from your Blog', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['preview'] = false; $this->config['disabling_allowed'] = "manually"; $this->config['disabled'] = array( 'condition' => ( avia_get_option( 'disable_blog' ) == 'disable_blog' ), 'text' => __( 'This element is disabled in your theme options. You can enable it in Enfold » Performance', 'avia_framework' ) ); } function extra_assets() { //load css wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-blog' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/blog/blog.css' , array('avia-layout'), false ); wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-postslider' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/postslider/postslider.css' , array('avia-layout'), false ); } /** * Popup Elements * * If this function is defined in a child class the element automatically gets an edit button, that, when pressed * opens a modal window that allows to edit the element properties * * @return void */ function popup_elements() { $this->elements = array( array( "type" => "tab_container", 'nodescription' => true ), array( "type" => "tab", "name" => __("Content" , 'avia_framework'), 'nodescription' => true ), array( 'name' => __( 'Do you want to display blog posts?', 'avia_framework' ), 'desc' => __( 'Do you want to display blog posts or entries from a custom taxonomy?', 'avia_framework' ), 'id' => 'blog_type', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'posts', 'subtype' => array( __( 'Display blog posts', 'avia_framework' ) => 'posts', __( 'Display entries from a custom taxonomy', 'avia_framework' ) => 'taxonomy') ), array( "name" => __("Which categories should be used for the blog?", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("You can select multiple categories here. The Page will then show posts from only those categories.", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "categories", "type" => "select", "multiple" => 6, "required" => array('blog_type', 'equals', 'posts'), "subtype" => "cat"), array( "name" => __("Which Entries?", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Select which entries should be displayed by selecting a taxonomy", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "link", "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "subtype" => array( __('Display Entries from:', 'avia_framework' )=>'taxonomy'), "multiple" => 6, "required" => array('blog_type', 'equals', 'taxonomy'), "std" => "category" ), array( 'type' => 'template', 'template_id' => 'date_query', ), array( "name" => __("Blog Style", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Choose the default blog layout here.", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "blog_style", "type" => "select", "std" => "single-big", "no_first"=>true, "subtype" => array( __('Multi Author Blog (displays Gravatar of the article author beside the entry and feature images above)', 'avia_framework') =>'multi-big', __('Single Author, small preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature image is small)', 'avia_framework') =>'single-small', __('Single Author, big preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature image is big)', 'avia_framework') =>'single-big', __('Grid Layout', 'avia_framework') =>'blog-grid', __('List Layout - Simple (Title and meta information only)', 'avia_framework' ) =>'bloglist-simple', __('List Layout - Compact (Title and icon only)', 'avia_framework' ) =>'bloglist-compact', __('List Layout - Excerpt (Title, meta information and excerpt only)', 'avia_framework' ) =>'bloglist-excerpt', /* 'no sidebar'=>'fullsize' */ )), array( "name" => __("Blog List Width", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Define the width of the list", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "bloglist_width", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "required" => array('blog_style', 'contains', 'bloglist'), "subtype" => array( __('Auto', 'avia_framework' ) =>'', __('Force Fullwidth', 'avia_framework' ) =>'force_fullwidth' )), array( "name" => __("Blog Grid Columns", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("How many columns do you want to display?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "columns", "type" => "select", "std" => "3", "required" => array('blog_style', 'equals', 'blog-grid'), "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::number_array(1,5,1)), array( "name" => __("Define Blog Grid layout", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Do you want to display a read more link?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "contents", "type" => "select", "std" => "excerpt", "required" => array('blog_style', 'equals', 'blog-grid'), "subtype" => array( __('Title and Excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'excerpt', __('Title and Excerpt + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'excerpt_read_more', __('Only Title', 'avia_framework' ) =>'title', __('Only Title + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'title_read_more', __('Only excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'only_excerpt', __('Only excerpt + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'only_excerpt_read_more', __('No Title and no excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'no') ), array( "name" => __("Blog Content length", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Should the full entry be displayed or just a small excerpt?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "content_length", "type" => "select", "std" => "content", "required" => array('blog_style', 'doesnt_contain', 'blog'), "subtype" => array( __('Full Content', 'avia_framework' ) =>'content', __('Excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'excerpt', __('Excerpt With Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'excerpt_read_more')), array( "name" => __("Preview Image Size", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Set the image size of the preview images", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "preview_mode", "required" => array('blog_style', 'doesnt_contain', 'bloglist'), "type" => "select", "std" => "auto", "subtype" => array(__('Set the preview image size automatically based on column or layout width','avia_framework' ) =>'auto',__('Choose the preview image size manually (select thumbnail size)','avia_framework' ) =>'custom')), array( "name" => __("Select custom preview image size", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Choose image size for Preview Image", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "image_size", "type" => "select", "required" => array('preview_mode','equals','custom'), "std" => "portfolio", "subtype" => AviaHelper::get_registered_image_sizes(array('logo')) ), array( "name" => __("Post Number", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("How many items should be displayed per page?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "items", "type" => "select", "std" => "3", "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::number_array(1,100,1, array('All'=>'-1'))), array( "name" => __("Offset Number", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("The offset determines where the query begins pulling posts. Useful if you want to remove a certain number of posts because you already query them with another blog or magazine element.", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "offset", "type" => "select", "std" => "0", "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::number_array(1,100,1, array(__('Deactivate offset','avia_framework')=>'0', __('Do not allow duplicate posts on the entire page (set offset automatically)', 'avia_framework' ) =>'no_duplicates'))), array( "name" => __("Pagination", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Should a pagination be displayed? Pagination might not work as expected when there is more than one blog posts element on a page, a post or on the blog page.", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "paginate", "type" => "select", "std" => "yes", "subtype" => array( __('yes', 'avia_framework' ) =>'yes', __('no', 'avia_framework' ) =>'no')), array( "name" => __("Conditional display", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("When should the element be displayed?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "conditional", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "subtype" => array( __('Always display the element', 'avia_framework' ) =>'', __('Remove element if the user navigated away from page 1 to page 2,3,4 etc ', 'avia_framework' ) =>'is_subpage')), array( "type" => "close_div", 'nodescription' => true ), array( "type" => "tab", "name" => __("Screen Options",'avia_framework' ), 'nodescription' => true ), array( "name" => __("Element Visibility",'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Set the visibility for this element, based on the device screensize.", 'avia_framework' ), "type" => "heading", "description_class" => "av-builder-note av-neutral", ), array( "desc" => __("Hide on large screens (wider than 990px - eg: Desktop)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-desktop-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "desc" => __("Hide on medium sized screens (between 768px and 989px - eg: Tablet Landscape)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-medium-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "desc" => __("Hide on small screens (between 480px and 767px - eg: Tablet Portrait)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-small-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "desc" => __("Hide on very small screens (smaller than 479px - eg: Smartphone Portrait)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-mini-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "type" => "close_div", 'nodescription' => true ), array( "type" => "close_div", 'nodescription' => true ), ); if(current_theme_supports('add_avia_builder_post_type_option')) { $element = array( "name" => __("Select Post Type", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Select which post types should be used. Note that your taxonomy will be ignored if you do not select an assign post type. If yo don't select post type all registered post types will be used", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "post_type", "type" => "select", "required" => array('blog_type', 'equals', 'taxonomy'), "multiple" => 6, "std" => "", "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::get_registered_post_type_array() ); array_splice($this->elements, 4, 0, array($element)); } } /** * Editor Element - this function defines the visual appearance of an element on the AviaBuilder Canvas * Most common usage is to define some markup in the $params['innerHtml'] which is then inserted into the drag and drop container * Less often used: $params['data'] to add data attributes, $params['class'] to modify the className * * * @param array $params this array holds the default values for $content and $args. * @return $params the return array usually holds an innerHtml key that holds item specific markup. */ function editor_element($params) { $params['innerHtml'] = "<img src='".$this->config['icon']."' title='".$this->config['name']."' />"; $params['innerHtml'].= "<div class='avia-element-label'>".$this->config['name']."</div>"; $params['content'] = NULL; //remove to allow content elements return $params; } /** * Frontend Shortcode Handler * * @param array $atts array of attributes * @param string $content text within enclosing form of shortcode element * @param string $shortcodename the shortcode found, when == callback name * @return string $output returns the modified html string */ function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "") { global $avia_config, $more; $screen_sizes = AviaHelper::av_mobile_sizes($atts); extract($screen_sizes); //return $av_font_classes, $av_title_font_classes and $av_display_classes if(empty($atts['categories'])) $atts['categories'] = ""; if(isset($atts['link']) && isset($atts['blog_type']) && $atts['blog_type'] == 'taxonomy') { $atts['link'] = explode(',', $atts['link'], 2 ); $atts['taxonomy'] = $atts['link'][0]; if(!empty($atts['link'][1])) { $atts['categories'] = $atts['link'][1]; } else if(!empty($atts['taxonomy'])) { $term_args = array( 'taxonomy' => $atts['taxonomy'], 'hide_empty' => true ); /** * To display private posts you need to set 'hide_empty' to false, * otherwise a category with ONLY private posts will not be returned !! * * You also need to add post_status "private" to the query params of filter avia_post_slide_query. * * @since 4.4.2 * @added_by Günter * @param array $term_args * @param array $atts * @param boolean $ajax * @return array */ $term_args = apply_filters( 'avf_av_blog_term_args', $term_args, $atts, $content ); $taxonomy_terms_obj = AviaHelper::get_terms( $term_args ); foreach ($taxonomy_terms_obj as $taxonomy_term) { $atts['categories'] .= $taxonomy_term->term_id . ','; } } } $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'blog_style' => '', 'bloglist_width' => '', 'columns' => 3, 'blog_type' => 'posts', 'items' => '16', 'paginate' => 'yes', 'categories' => '', 'preview_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'portfolio', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'post_type' => get_post_types(), 'contents' => 'excerpt', 'content_length' => 'content', 'offset' => '0', 'conditional' => '', 'date_filter' => '', 'date_filter_start' => '', 'date_filter_end' => '', 'date_filter_format' => 'mm / dd / yy' ), $atts, $this->config['shortcode'] ); $page = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : get_query_var( 'page' ); if( ! $page ) { $page = 1; } /** * Skip blog queries, if element will not be displayed */ if( $atts['conditional'] == 'is_subpage' && $page != 1 ) { return ''; } if( $atts['blog_style'] == 'blog-grid' ) { $atts['class'] = $meta['el_class']; $atts['type'] = 'grid'; $atts = array_merge($atts, $screen_sizes); /** * @since 4.5.5 * @return array */ $atts = apply_filters( 'avf_post_slider_args', $atts, $this->config['shortcode'], $this ); //using the post slider with inactive js will result in displaying a nice post grid $slider = new avia_post_slider( $atts ); $old_page = null; $is_single = is_single(); if( 'yes' == $atts['paginate'] ) { if( $is_single && isset( $_REQUEST['av_sc_blog_page'] ) && is_numeric( $_REQUEST['av_sc_blog_page'] ) ) { $old_page = get_query_var( 'paged' ); set_query_var( 'paged', $_REQUEST['av_sc_blog_page'] ); } } $slider->query_entries(); if( 'yes' == $atts['paginate'] && $is_single ) { add_filter( 'avf_pagination_link_method', array( $this, 'handler_pagination_link_method'), 10, 3 ); } $html = $slider->html(); if( 'yes' == $atts['paginate'] && $is_single ) { remove_filter( 'avf_pagination_link_method', array( $this, 'handler_pagination_link_method'), 10 ); } if( ! is_null( $old_page ) ) { if( $old_page != 0 ) { set_query_var( 'paged', $old_page ); } else { remove_query_arg( 'paged' ); } } return $html; } $old_page = null; $is_single = is_single(); if( 'yes' == $atts['paginate'] ) { if( $is_single && isset( $_REQUEST['av_sc_blog_page'] ) && is_numeric( $_REQUEST['av_sc_blog_page'] ) ) { $old_page = get_query_var( 'paged' ); set_query_var( 'paged', $_REQUEST['av_sc_blog_page'] ); } } $this->query_entries( $atts ); if( 'yes' == $atts['paginate'] && $is_single ) { add_filter( 'avf_pagination_link_method', array( $this, 'handler_pagination_link_method'), 10, 3 ); } $avia_config['blog_style'] = $atts['blog_style']; $avia_config['preview_mode'] = $atts['preview_mode']; $avia_config['image_size'] = $atts['image_size']; $avia_config['blog_content'] = $atts['content_length']; $avia_config['remove_pagination'] = $atts['paginate'] === "yes" ? false :true; /** * Force supress of pagination if element will be hidden on foillowing pages */ if( $atts['conditional'] == 'is_subpage' && $page == 1 ) { $avia_config['remove_pagination'] = true; } $more = 0; ob_start(); //start buffering the output instead of echoing it get_template_part( 'includes/loop', 'index' ); $output = ob_get_clean(); wp_reset_query(); if( 'yes' == $atts['paginate'] && $is_single ) { remove_filter( 'avf_pagination_link_method', array( $this, 'handler_pagination_link_method'), 10 ); } if( ! is_null( $old_page ) ) { if( $old_page != 0 ) { set_query_var( 'paged', $old_page ); } else { remove_query_arg( 'paged' ); } } avia_set_layout_array(); if($output) { $extraclass = function_exists('avia_blog_class_string') ? avia_blog_class_string() : ""; $extraclass .= $atts['bloglist_width'] == 'force_fullwidth' ? ' av_force_fullwidth' : ""; $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'blog','echo'=>false, 'custom_markup'=>$meta['custom_markup'])); $output = "<div class='av-alb-blogposts template-blog {$extraclass} {$av_display_classes}' {$markup}>{$output}</div>"; } return $output; } /** * * @since < 4.0 * @param array $params */ protected function query_entries( array $params ) { global $avia_config; $query = array(); if( ! empty($params['categories']) && is_string($params['categories'] ) ) { //get the categories $terms = explode( ',', $params['categories'] ); } $page = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : get_query_var( 'page' ); if(!$page || $params['paginate'] == 'no') $page = 1; if($params['offset'] == 'no_duplicates') { $params['offset'] = 0; $no_duplicates = true; } if(empty($params['blog_type']) || $params['blog_type'] == 'posts') $params['post_type'] = 'post'; if(empty($params['post_type'])) $params['post_type'] = get_post_types(); if(is_string($params['post_type'])) $params['post_type'] = explode(',', $params['post_type']); //wordpress 4.4 offset fix if( $params['offset'] == 0 ) { $params['offset'] = false; } else { //if the offset is set the paged param is ignored. therefore we need to factor in the page number $params['offset'] = $params['offset'] + ( ($page -1 ) * $params['items']); } $date_query = array(); if( 'date_filter' == $params['date_filter'] ) { $date_query = AviaHelper::add_date_query( $date_query, $params['date_filter_start'], $params['date_filter_end'], $params['date_filter_format'] ); } //if we find categories perform complex query, otherwise simple one if(isset($terms[0]) && !empty($terms[0]) && !is_null($terms[0]) && $terms[0] != "null" && !empty($params['taxonomy'])) { $query = array( 'paged' => $page, 'posts_per_page' => $params['items'], 'offset' => $params['offset'], 'post__not_in' => ( ! empty( $no_duplicates ) ) ? $avia_config['posts_on_current_page'] : array(), 'post_type' => $params['post_type'], 'date_query' => $date_query, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => $params['taxonomy'], 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $terms, 'operator' => 'IN' ) ) ); } else { $query = array( 'paged' => $page, 'posts_per_page' => $params['items'], 'offset' => $params['offset'], 'post__not_in' => ( ! empty( $no_duplicates ) ) ? $avia_config['posts_on_current_page'] : array(), 'post_type' => $params['post_type'], 'date_query' => $date_query ); } /** * * @since < 4.0 * @param array $query * @param array $params * @return array */ $query = apply_filters( 'avia_blog_post_query', $query, $params ); $results = query_posts( $query ); // store the queried post ids in if( have_posts() ) { while( have_posts() ) { the_post(); $avia_config['posts_on_current_page'][] = get_the_ID(); } } } /** * Using this element not in a page ( = is_single() ) returns a wrong pagination * * @since 4.5.6 * @param string $method * @param type $pages * @param type $wrapper * @return string */ public function handler_pagination_link_method( $method, $pages, $wrapper ) { if( is_single() || ( 'get_pagenum_link' == $method ) ) { $method = 'avia_sc_blog::add_blog_pageing'; } return $method; } /** * Called when this element not in a page ( = is_single() ). * Add our custom page parameter. * * @since 4.5.6 * @param int $page * @return string */ static public function add_blog_pageing( $page ) { $link = get_pagenum_link( 1 ); if( $page != 1 ) { $link = add_query_arg( array( 'av_sc_blog_page' => $page ), $link ); } else { $link = remove_query_arg( 'av_sc_blog_page', $link ); } return $link; } } }
July 27, 2019 at 8:47 pm #1122434Can nobody help me?
July 27, 2019 at 11:08 pm #1122449Hi,
Sorry for the late reply, the date is already in the code for the element but this css is hiding it, please look for it in your custom styles and remove it:.bloggerroll .entry-content-wrapper .post-meta-infos { display: none; }
then add this css to show the date:
.post-meta-infos time.date-container { display: block !important; color: #fff !important; } .post-meta-infos > span { display: none !important; }
then please clear your browser cache and check.
Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
I see that you wanted the date at the end so please try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:function custom_script(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $( '.big-preview.single-big' ).each(function() { $( this ).find( 'time.slide-meta-time' ).insertAfter( jQuery(this).find('.read-more-link') ); }); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_script');
I couldn’t test this because your jQuery has the error “jQuery is not defined” typically this occurs when the proformce settings loads the jQuery in the footer, or it could be a plugin conflict, if you can’t correct the error Please include an admin login in the Private Content area.
Best regards,
MikeJuly 27, 2019 at 11:18 pm #1122450Hey Mike,
thank you!
My fault to hide the date omg :D
Yeah I want to replace the “read more” with the date but the code for the functions.php doesnt work.
How can I fix the jquery conflict?
See private content :)
July 28, 2019 at 1:28 am #1122457Hi,
Thanks for the login, I was able to move the date below the read more link with this function in your functions.php:/* Date at bottom of blog posts loop*/ function custom_script(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $('.post-entry').each(function() { $(this).find('.post-meta-infos:first').insertAfter( $(this).find('.read-more-link:first') ); }); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_script');
Please clear your browser cache and check.
Best regards,
MikeJuly 28, 2019 at 3:17 am #1122467Thank you! :)
Now it works
July 28, 2019 at 3:58 am #1122473Hi,
Glad to hear, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this then?Best regards,
MikeJuly 28, 2019 at 11:20 am #1122495Yes, you can close it :)
I only need help with this right now but this is another question:July 28, 2019 at 5:49 pm #1122512Hi,
Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads in the Enfold forum and we will gladly try to help you :)Best regards,
Mike -
- The topic ‘Where is the blog roll file?’ is closed to new replies.