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  • #1447074

    Hi there,

    this is probably really obvious but I can’t find it. I want to configure my portfolio grid so that it displays like on this page:

    And also – when then is working, i would like to add spaces between the pictures.

    Please advise. thanks so much.



    Hey ausgesonnen,

    That is using the Masonry element. In the styling tab you can set it to Perfect Manual Masonry, Masonry, and No Gap. If you can’t get it working, then we can send you the shortcodes for that exact element.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Rikard.

    yes please send


    Enable the Avia Layout Builder Debugger and add the code to the debugger and save:

    [av_section min_height='' min_height_px='500px' padding='huge' shadow='no-shadow' bottom_border='no-border-styling' bottom_border_diagonal_color='#333333' bottom_border_diagonal_direction='' bottom_border_style='' id='' color='main_color' custom_bg='' src='' attachment='885' attachment_size='full' attach='scroll' position='top center' repeat='stretch' video='' video_ratio='16:9' overlay_enable='aviaTBoverlay_enable' overlay_opacity='0.6' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_pattern='' overlay_custom_pattern='' av_element_hidden_in_editor='0' av_uid='av-35gtt']
    [av_heading heading='Masonry Portfolio Example:<br/>4 Column Masonry Grid' tag='h1' style='blockquote modern-quote modern-centered' size='40' subheading_active='' subheading_size='15' padding='0' color='custom-color-heading' custom_font='#ffffff' admin_preview_bg='rgb(34, 34, 34)' av_uid='av-qj14h'][/av_heading]
    [av_hr class='custom' height='50' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-fat' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='#ffffff' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='no' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello' admin_preview_bg='rgb(34, 34, 34)' av_uid='av-mx0kh']
    [av_textblock size='' font_color='custom' color='#dddddd' admin_preview_bg='rgb(34, 34, 34)' av_uid='av-5ee9']
    <p style="text-align: center;">Hey there! We are Enfold and we make really beautiful and amazing stuff.
    This can be used to describe what you do, how you do it, & who you do it for.</p>
    [av_masonry_entries link='portfolio_entries' term_rel='' wc_prod_visible='' wc_prod_hidden='hide' wc_prod_featured='' prod_order_by='' prod_order='' date_filter='' date_filter_start='' date_filter_end='' date_filter_format='yy/mm/dd' period_filter_unit_1='1' period_filter_unit_2='year' page_element_filter='' sort='yes-tax' query_orderby='date' query_order='DESC' caption_elements='title' caption_styling='overlay' caption_display='on-hover' img_copyright='' size='fixed manually' orientation='' image_size='masonry' gap='large' columns='4' av-desktop-columns='' av-medium-columns='' av-small-columns='' av-mini-columns='' items='9' paginate='load_more' color='' custom_bg='' img_copyright_font='' av-desktop-font-img_copyright_font='' av-medium-font-img_copyright_font='' av-small-font-img_copyright_font='' av-mini-font-img_copyright_font='' img_copyright_color='' img_copyright_bg='' animation='active' animation_duration='' animation_custom_bg_color='' animation_custom_bg_color_multi_list='' animation_z_index_curtain='100' overlay_fx='active' img_scrset='' lazy_loading='disabled' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_uid='av-83rt5' sc_version='1.0']

    once the elements show after the page reloads open the masonry element and select the Portfolio Entries that you want to show.

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks Mike. That worked.
    Can you now please advise me how I can set up the little tab menu above the grid for the different Portfolio categories?

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by ausgesonnen.

    This is the sorting option in the masonry element,
    Enfold Support 6005
    there are only three options
    Enfold Support 6007
    adjust to suit, shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,


    thank you Mike, I have played around with that a little. Now the next issue.

    When you look at the url you will notice, that the layout jumps when you toggle between All or the other options in the menu. Its shifts shlightly to the left. I mean the whole layout, including the logo at the top. What might be the reason? Can you send something to fix it please?



    Hi Mike, also – is there a way that I don’t have a go to a new page when I click on the items on the home page? At the moment they open to a portfolio page and then the little menu at the top for all/ Corporate/illustration etc disappears which is confusing.

    so either:
    1. is there a way to keep the little menu at all times?
    2. or – is there a way to open to a lightbox immediately when clicking on a portfiolio entry on the home page? so no detour va an extra page?



    Thank you for the link to your site, for your first post, I don’t see that the page “jumps” when the element is clicked
    as for your second post, this is not possible, when you are on the first page you are seeing a element, on the second page you are seeing the post.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    funny that you can’t see it. I am using Chrome on a mac, both the latest versions and it jumps. Please see screen recording. here:

    Also – looking forward to your answer to the second Question.



    To open the image directly, go to your portfolio item ad use the Overwrite Portfolio Link setting option and add the image link
    Enfold Support 6039

    Best regards,


    Sorry Mike can you be more specific where i can find this? I mean the additional Portfolio settings. Where are they?

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by ausgesonnen.

    The /masonry-portfolio-example-4-column-masonry-grid/ demo page that we posted for you uses a masonry element to show portfolio items, so the screenshot above is for one of those portfolio items, below the content, here is a full page screenshot of a portfolio item:
    Enfold Support 6042

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks, but I don’t want to display a single image but a lightbox with a number of images, like in this example.

    how do I do that? Sorry if this is obvious, I am still learning. Thank you for your patience.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by ausgesonnen.

    In that case do not use the Overwrite Portfolio Link setting option above, but use the Portfolio Gallery element instead and set the Link Handling option to Display the big image in a lightbox
    Enfold Support 6044

    Best regards,


    Sorry if this was still not clear. I dont just want to dispaly a single imgae in the lightbox but a whole slideshow. like in this example.

    Can enfold do this or do I have to change to Oshine?


    Yes, with the Masonry Gallery element with the Perfect Automatic Masonry option so very wide images get twice the width and very high images get twice the height:
    Enfold Support 6061
    Then Lightbox linking active so the images will open in a lightbox gallery:
    Enfold Support 6063
    then you will see:
    Enfold Support 6065
    and the lightbox will so all of the images:
    Enfold Support 6067

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike, sorry that was not it. In your example the images that open in the lightbox are the same images that are already seen on the page. are they not? However, I need to display new sets of images. This was the important point about the Oshine gallery.

    What Rikard suggested here is not it either.

    If possible, we can also speak on the phone to avoid future misunderstandings? +49 15751887076



    When I check the Oshine gallery: it shows the same images that are already seen on the page in the lightbox.
    Please check again.

    Best regards,


    Ok. Sorry. So it does. So apart from that, would it be possible to show a set of different images?


    Try this solution.

    Best regards,

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