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  • #363123

    Where can I set the vimeo attributes for my vimeo- videos in Enfold.
    I didn’t find a way, which shows me the html code of my page with the vimeo videos.
    I need to set the following attributes:


    Hey petcar!

    If your using it in the slideshows then try lines 996 – 1007 in /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow.php.

    	'portrait' 	=> 0,
    	'byline'	=> 0,
    	'title'		=> 0,
    	'badge'		=> 0,
    	'loop'		=> $loop,
    	'autopause'	=> $autopause,
    	'api'		=> 1,
    	'rel'		=> 0,
    	'player_id'	=> $uid,
    	'color'		=> $color

    As for opening them up in the magnific popup try adding them to the URL in /enfold/js/aviapopup/jquery.magnific-popup.js on line 1616.

    src: '//player.vimeo.com/video/%id%?autoplay=1'

    For example if you wanted to turn the byline off then it would look like this.

    src: '//player.vimeo.com/video/%id%?autoplay=1&byline=0'

    Best regards,


    I am sorry I do not understand what You mean. I am using vimeo in a normal page, where I use Your enfold video element… and there I am also expecting the control attributes… But I did not find it.
    Now You are recommending me something with a slideshow, which is kind, but not usable for my purpose. Could You please explain me how to control the attributes for vimeo videos on normal standard pages in the enfold theme.



    For that we use the WordPress embed shortcode, http://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds, and I’m not sure if it has any options for that. I would try this plugin out, https://wordpress.org/plugins/lux-vimeo-shortcode/, which it looks like you can set those options.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.

    thank You @elliot, – That’s a little bit disappointing. I thought this would work in a modern theme like enfold. So I did it manually like in an oldfashioned HTML-Website with the good reliable iframe code from vimeo. (inserted as code in the layout builder)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by petcar.
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