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  • #934360

    Hi, I have designed some pages with the avia page builder and saved the layouts as custom page templates.
    I would like to know where these templates are stored in my website and if I could reuse those as a basis to design CTPs…
    Thx for your answer


    Hey sherve,

    When you enable the CPT, you can go ahead and imprort the template form ALB there should be no issue at all! :)

    let us know if you have more questions.

    Best regards,


    Where do you enable Custom post Types, assuming this is what you mean by the acronym?

    ALB, Do you mean ALE? Advanced Layout Editor?

    When saving a Template, where does the template show up?
    Please tell us where to go and how to drag and drop a saved template as to place a tediously designed template on another page so we don’t have to recreate it from scratch.


    Hi sparkyj,

    You can add your custom post types under Enfold->Layout Builder.

    Saved templates will show up under the elements block in the Layout Builder, on the right hand side.

    Best regards,


    Thanks! ill check it out!

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