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  • #1350885

    Hi folks.
    I have just noticed the following: I have several images in my Text Blocks. Each one has its own caption, clearly visible below the image in the Text Blocks.
    Well, when I click on the image to open it in the Ligthbox, the caption does not appear anymore. I only have below the image on the right a small “X/Y” , like “Xth slide out of Y”.
    The same images added to an Horizontal Gallery are correctly showing their captions, when opened inside the Lightbox.

    I’ve just updated to the latest version I cannot say if the issue was there already, I’ve just noticed it today.

    Please note: I completely removed my whole Quick CSS styles, just to be check if one of my CSS customizations stopped working: nothing changed, I still do not see Captions in the Lightbox only for images included in Text Blocks…

    Thx in advance!


    See below, after the “mfp-title” class: in the Lightbox from the Horiz Gallery, the Caption is there.
    In the Lightbox from the images included in the Text Blocks, there’s nothing…

    P.S. how the XXX can you include an image in the post? :-) I’ve tried with the IMG tag, but it is not showing it…


    Thanks for your question, to add the lightbox image title you need to add the title to the image, it is not the caption:
    the result:

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike. Has it always been like that? This means I never noticed the fact that the caption was not there, when opening an image from the Text Boxes…

    But isn’t it a little weird that you have to write the text for the caption of the same image in two different places, if you want to have the same result (=text below the image) in the same Ligthbox coming from two “sources” (the TextBlock and the Galleries)?



    Glad this helped, this is as it’s always been, the lightbox pulls from the title field ie: mfp-title
    in the gallery element the “caption” field actually is the image “title” field:

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike!

    Therefore, the “Image title attribute” that you can set in the “Advanced options” on the image when included in the Text Block is a *different* value than the “Title” of the same image from the Media gallery.

    Ok, it is useful to be able to set a different value, if you need to (rare, but it may happen)… I think it would be better if the “Image Title Attribute” took the “Title” value by default, but ok, you cannot have anything :)

    Let me dare to ask: would it be possible to run a query on the WordPress DB to copy all “Title” values to the “Image Title Attribute”, for all my (hundreds of) images that all have, unfortunately, the “Image Title Attribute” empty? :-)

    Thanks again Mike!


    Sorry, I don’t know of a safe way to do this automatically.

    Best regards,


    Ok, thanks Mike!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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