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  • #1156424

    I am using The events Calendar. It is possible to combine this with their plugin Event Tickets to sell or RSVP tickets of an event. It works fine when using another theme but with Enfold the ‘buy now’ or ‘RSVP’ buttons and forms are not visible.
    I presume it’s because of the Enfold overrides of the Events Calendar but I would really like it if the buy buttons etc. are visible.
    What to do?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey ariane1001,
    Sorry for the late reply, this appears to only show in the mobile view, but you can force it to show with this css:

    .av-single-event-meta-bar.av-single-event-meta-bar-mobile {
        display: block !important; 

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the update but it won’t solve the problem, see

    I think it’s a bug if it only shows in mobile view, don’t you agree?
    When I use your quick solution the whole sidebar is appearing on the bottom including the details that are in the sidebar already. I really would appreciate it if there is a better solution for this then showing stuff with display: block !important; and then hiding stuff inside that with display:none again or something?

    Looking forward to your reply,

    Best regards,


    Are these buttons from the “Event Tickets Plus” add-on plugin?
    Are you using the “Events Calendar PRO” version?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    These buttons and form are from ‘Events Tickets’ its a plug-in/ add on from The Events Calendar so you can sell tickets for the events.
    No, i am using the free The Events Calendar.




    Thank you, I believe the issue is that Enfold uses a custom “view” for The Events Calendar, and when you use a default theme these files are not used. I will ask the dev team to review, thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,
    Any luck yet with the dev team?

    It’s taking a long time. Is it possible to turn of the use of custom views from Enfold? So I can use the views from Events Calendar/ At least something is visible then and I can change the look with CSS.
    What is the best way to do this?

    Looking forward to your reply.
    Best regards,



    Issue seems to be related to custom view as Mike mentioned. We have contacted Modern Tribe team for assistance since we do not have much experience with Event Tickets plugin. Modern Tribe team has always been so helpful. We will update you here as soon as we solve the issue. Please kindly wait to hear from us :)


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