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  • #491293


    We can’t edit at the dashboard anymore. Only portfolio and a few more items are still active. The webpage is stil working.
    What can be the problem here, and how do we fix it?


    Hi Spektrumarkitekter!

    Hmm, it doesn’t seem like a theme issue here. What’s the version of WordPress your using? It looks like it’s an outdated version but I couldn’t tell.

    You can delete Flashlight from the WordPress theme directory but I don’t think that’s going to solve the problem. It would probably be best to reinstall WordPress.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Elliott.

    I am not sure which version we are running. Where can I see that?
    Now I can’t enter the admin site at all, it says blocked, when I try to log in.

    – Carina


    Hi Carina!

    Please go to Dashboard > Home and in “At a glance” section you should see version as “WordPress 4.3 running Enfold theme.”



    Found it. We are running WordPress 3.3.2 so an update, would probably be suiteble. I am backing-up the site as we speak.
    What I can’t see is what theme I am running, and loads of other stuff. Only Portfolio Items

    So will try and update WordPress

    – C



    We will keep the thread open and wait to hear from you :)

    Best regards,


    Hi again

    It worked to get the WordPress opdatetes, behind it all. Now the page is no longer almost white, and we are able to edit.

    Now two new things arises,

    First, I can’t uploade pictures to a post, the “upload to gallery” botton simply does not react, nor does the ad media botten.
    Any ideas on what could be happening her?

    Secomd is an update regarding the theme.

    We have this theme:
    Twenty Ten
    You have version 1.3 installed. Update to 2.0.

    The following themes have new versions available. Check the ones you want to update and then click “Update Themes”.
    Please Note: Any customizations you have made to theme files will be lost. Please consider using child themes for modifications.

    I am not sure if there have been made any changes, and not sure if to do the update or not.
    What would be you recommendation, and could it have someting to do with the first problem?

    – Carina



    I get an error message only reading “Blocked” when trying to log into WordPress, could you have a look please? Not sure what you mean by the TwentyTen theme, we provide support for Kriesi premium themes and not the default ones.



    I sometime have trouble logging in, but if I refresh and try again it works. I have no clue, whats going on.
    Try again, we have not changed any of the information, provided in the beginning.

    As a newbee to WordPress and thems, please forgive my if I mix things up, I was just told that you provided us with the theme for the webpage and that I should try and ask you, withe the bugs we have.

    – Carina



    Logging in twice seems to have done the trick :)

    I see that you are running an old version of Flashlight there (1.5.2), could you try to update to the latest version (3.1) to see if that helps?

    Best regards,


    Thanks, good to hear the login worked.

    Will I have to run the update trough FTP, because our version is so old. Can’t seam to find out where I do it trough WordPress?

    – Carina



    Yes, here are some steps on how to update through FTP, The instructions are for Enfold but the same steps apply to all themes.

    Best regards,


    Just an update from here. I got the Flashlight Theme updates via Ftp, and it seem to have solved all the problems.
    So thanks for the Help

    – Carina

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