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  • #1163513

    I’m updating the site of an independent book publisher (OG site:

    The developer used ToolSet Views to create the “Books” custom post type, automatically generate product pages and a layout for the front page that shows every book they have for sale (screenshot) ToolSet Views is deprecated, the replacement is expensive, and switching to something like is doable but time consuming.

    I want to make a catalog page that will use a Content Element (Blog Posts, Masonry, Portfolio Items, etc.) to populate, that will be auto-styled exactly like this, using only Enfold. Is this possible, and if so, how?

    Yesterday I (with help from @Guenni007) repurposed and relabeled Portfolio Items, thinking they could do the job, but I wasn’t happy with the level of design control I had over the result (again, I want the front page to look very close to this).

    My client is a small publisher, with maybe 1-2 books per year. I’m tempted to just deactivate the CPT plugins, build each book page/post and the front page manually and understand that I’ll have to do more work each time they release a new book.

    Thanks for helping me think this through.


    Hey Thomas,
    I gave this some thought, and first thought of the different elements we have but to match your page and have the images the right size with each book page showing the book info as described, I believe a plugin may be better for you, perhaps like MyBookTable Bookstore by Author Media it supports Amazon links and I saw all of your books are sold on Amazon.
    I found this plugin here, so perhaps there is one you would prefer better.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike.
    The plugin you suggested certainly looks capable of everything.
    The other factor I’m considering is what I can get done with the budget my client has to spend.
    In this case, I’m sure I can custom design and build all the pages and posts in Enfold exactly how I want them quickly, whereas it will take much longer for me to learn a plugin’s system and align our needs with the plugin capabilities.

    Side note: I looked quickly at all the book shop options on the page you suggested, and the one I liked best was one I found in the comments called Mooberry Book Manager

    Thanks again, I appreciate your insight.


    look to your other topic.
    You have your single Books in Posts – so use first Blog Element to show these Posts in a Grid view.

    More and more I come to the conclusion that you may not have discovered the Enfold typical editor yet.
    With your 18 topics, that might be the case.
    First of all I recommend you to disable the Block Editor (Gutenberg). I find this only confusing in connection with Enfold.
    This can be done under Dashboard – Enfold (or Enfold Child) – Theme Options = Select Your Editor

    Then you have a button below the Title input field of each Editor Page ( Pages / Posts/ Portfolio) : Advanced Layout Editor. If you press this button, then these Advanced Layout Builder Elements ( ALB Elements) will appear above the layout window (sometimes this is not quite clear in the theme because Avia Layout Builder is also used as a name).

    This is indeed the great strength of this theme. An intuitive layout design via drag and drop; sometimes with a little too many settings, but most of them are quite useful and have grown over time.


    yes – for book collections there is a lot to do, and this is also a good idea to have a special custom post format on this, because there could be special keywords (like ISBN numbers etc.) .
    Most of the time these plugins create only custom post type ( often shorted to CPT – if you see that) , as we have seen from the portfolios.

    That could be advantageous in your case.
    What I see on the old example page, however, would work without problems only with Enfold elements.
    You just have to look through the function of a blog page a bit more.
    Don’t worry – every question is a good one; stupid are people who have no questions.

    Enfold presents some Options on showing a blog page ( i prefer to style it with ALB Element ) but you can set any page to show the blog ( if you have only one ) by setting it on Enfold Options – Theme Options = “And where do you want to display the Blog?” here you have the choice to set a page as Blog Page.
    Under Enfold Options – Blog Layout – you have different settings on that page. ( you need the grid layout ) etc. pp.

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    Hi steed,

    Thank for the update and thanks to @guenni007 for helping out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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