August 18, 2015 at 1:57 pm #489496
As it says: I have read all available documentation but can find nothing and so am none the wiser as to what this actually “is”. I know there’s a section in General Styling where I can create a scheme for Alternate Content but…
– what is the difference between Main Content and Alternate Content?
– why would I want / need Alternate Content?
– when does Alternate display in place of Main Content (if indeed this is what happens)?
– assuming I can see a need / desire to have some AC, how do I designate page or post content as Alternate instead of Main, and/or what dictates what is displayed when?If this is documented somewhere and I’ve missed it, please just point me in the general direction… :-)
August 18, 2015 at 5:34 pm #489630Hi zimbo!
Here is an example, http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-restaurant/locations/, you can see that part of the page is white and the other part has a darker background with light font color. That is an alternate style.
You can create the alternate style in the general settings and then when you edit your pages drag a color section to your page content and set it to use the alternate color scheme to create that effect.
ElliottAugust 19, 2015 at 2:53 pm #490098Hi,
OK, I can see that now, thanks. It appears that a color section can only be full width, i.e. you can’t add 2 x 1/2 Layout Elements to a page then add a color section inside only one of those elements – correct?
Also, you can add other elements inside color but are there any restrictions e.g. elements that can’t be added to a color section?
Finally, is there a list of what page elements have ‘Alternate Background color’ applied to them in the General Styling sections of Logo Area, Main Content and Alternate Content? It just says ‘menu hover, tables etc’ – I wondered what else is in the ‘etc’.
August 19, 2015 at 7:18 pm #490330Hi!
No, you cannot nest color sections inside other elements.
Other fullwidth elements such as LayerSlider should be used on their own.
You shouldn’t have any problems with the styling, most elements will pick it up. We do not have a list.
Elliott -
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