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  • #772905

    Hello Support Team,
    My team has used Enfold extensively for the past 18+ months to build client sites and we have made modifications and extensions, but are seeing performance degrades and extended development hours in several of our websites; especially with the newer versions of Enfold, 4.0+. What we would like to discuss is a best practice model/workflow in creating custom WordPress websites. Here are our questions:

    • Currently, we are seeing extremely slow page loads when using a child theme, do you have a better method of using child themes with Enfold besides the documented WordPress method?
    • What is the best way to minify all front end, rendered JavaScript & CSS into one file without using a plugin to reduce resource calls, increase front-end rendering time, and page performance?
    • Do you have documentation on how to best create new shortcodes and modifying shortcodes for use with custom WP Queries?
    • What would you recommend when incorporating Advanced Custom Fields data into the Avia Shortcode system?
    • We have had several instances with thumbnails not being regenerated, thumbnail sizes not being respected, and generally thumbnails not being properly modified when using Enfold. We have followed your support teams documented methods to regenerating thumbnails and yet, the processes still do not match our expected outcomes. Do you have any additional solutions that have not been documented we can try in our sites.
    • How do we export our content without Avia shortcodes being included?
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by tdoornbos.

    Hey Tyler,

    1. Using a child theme should not have any affect on load speeds, though it depends on what you put in it of course. We would need to look at an actual site to determine the problem.

    2. Using a plugin is by far the easiest way, if you want to do it manually I think there are plenty or resources online to help you out in achieving that.

    3. Not at this point unfortunately, but if you have a specific question we’d be happy to answer it.

    4. I’m not sure if that is possible, I’ve never heard of it being done and we haven’t explored the matter ourselves either.

    5. Again, we would need to see the actual problem to say what could be going wrong.

    6. All the content from the layout builder is generated by shortcode, so I’m not sure that would be possible. Why do you have a need for that?

    Next time, please open separate tickets for each questions as threads like these can get very messy and difficult to follow.

    Best regards,

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