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  • #1103467

    Hi Guys,
    I know that there are many threats about display issues with Internet Explorer. I tried many of those things but none of them are working for me.
    I tried it with different devices and different versions of IE11. It seems that Color-Sections have a failure in the height and Photo-Sliders are not working.

    could you please have a look what went wrong?

    Many Thanks!!


    Hey logerber,

    This is a hard solver as the techniques are not working any more…
    Also – Microsoft has killed IE, so even them are not supporting this browser any more…

    Best regards,


    Hi logerber

    IE11 debugging is nasty, I know. It works pretty much always totally different in this browser than in the others which are more modern.

    Anyway, have you also read my reply here?
    This might help you as well and if not, could you post the website URL here?

    Also, in case you are using position:fixed; you always need a height attribute as well otherwise IE will be confused ;)



    Yes i know, the only reason i want to optimize my site is for those people who do not know how to install a proper browser.

    Many thanks for your reply. Unfortionally your solution did not work. I’m not aware that i use position:fixed;
    the site URL is Many thanks for giving me some of your free time!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by logerber.

    Nebenbemerkung: Nicht “Gallerie” sondern “Galerie”, also in der Hauptnavigation => “Fotogalerie”.

    Edit, on topic:
    Personally i gave up to support IE11 … too many headaches … :-)
    I checked the market share of that browser in Google Analytics for a page with more than 50 thousand visits per month: It’s below 3% and decreasing.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by cg.

    Herzlichen Dank! Sehr aufmerksam!
    Es sind noch einige Schreibfehler die noch verbessert werden müssen. Die seite ist zum glück noch nicht unter der entgülltigen domain online :)

    EDIT to reply to @cg
    wow! i knew that the browser will soon be out of support. at latest when windows 7 will be end of live in 2020. But 3% is significant low. I think the effort is not woth the result.
    Thank You!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by logerber.

    I guess IE11 does not like that you chose “parallax” for your photo slider.

    Totally agree with you about this browser, unfortunately within the B2B area it is still quite common to use it.
    Or people just don’t know that this browser is from 2013 because it still comes with Windows by default in some cases.


    Glad I found this thread – I”ve tried the tricks mentioned here, and from the linked post, but still haven’t solved my missing slider images and missing content from the testimonials slider problem. What’s odd is that it only happens on the home page and only on IE11. Any additional pointers or tips would be much appreciated.



    Thank you for sharing the details.

    I have never come across such an issue before. For testing purpose please re-create the page and add the elements from scratch.

    Let us know the results here.

    Best regards,

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