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  • #352405

    A simple question: when I insert a link to my website homepage into an FB post it’s accompanied by an image – but I can’t figure out how FB decides which image to use. It isn’t the logo image, but one that I had previously used as a logo. And when I insert a link to another page of the website then no image shows. In Yahoo mail on the other hand the image accompanying the link is the logo image for the homepage, and the first image on the page for other pages. Where do I place an image so it appears as the image selected for the link to a page? Is there a way of forcing a specific image?


    Hey danfarberoff!

    Try installing the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast, https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/, and then navigate to Dashboard > SEO > Social and make sure the add open graph meta data option is checked. You can then select an image to use for facebook when creating a new post.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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