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  • #946855


    I maked the Update for my Website over the FTP. After the Upload i reset the Page (F5) an the Site is not there….. I ned Help :(

    German :

    Ich habe das Update über das FTP gemacht. Nach dem Update habe ich die Website resetet mit (F5) und sie war komplett weg… nur noch ein weißes Bild…

    Kann mir da einer helfen bitte ?


    Okey now is the Site there, my Header is lost and lots of my custom css :-(



    Sorry for the problems, though the header on your site is displaying fine on my end. Could you post screenshots of the problem please?

    Best regards,


    i have the Problem fixed :-) Thanks a lot



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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