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  • #643927

    I’ve updated the Theme as recommended and then the website is down with the following message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function avia_header_class() in /home/mylysi76/public_html/elternlobby/wp-content/themes/enfold-child/header.php on line 12

    I have now deleted line 12 in order to have the page back online. But now it changed the look of the page. I don’t understand since i have child theme installed. Please help asap.



    Hi eKMUch.

    I had your same problem, but I’ve solved.

    1. Download from ThemeForest the new version of Enfold theme
    2. Go via FTP on your site
    3. Delete completely the directory ‘enfold’ under ‘<doc_root>/wp-content/themes/.’
    4. Upload via FTP the new version of the theme that you downloaded before
    5. That’s all.

    With these few steps now my web site it’s going on like before.

    Hope this can help you.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by IOL2014.

    Hi IOL2014

    Thank you for your help.

    Though I’m using child theme. So I don’t want to remove it. ALso I’m not sure if I feel comfortable with going through FTP.

    And why was it that “$filterable_classes = avia_header_class( avia_header_class_string() );” caused the issue. Do I still need this or should I keep it removed?

    Is this a known Enfold issue or just with my page?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by eKMUch.


    If you are able to login to wordpress backend please de-activate and activate the theme and it should work fine. (Make sure you do not delete any lines in header files if you have deleted any code please add it back).

    If yous till have any issue rename the enfold folder via FTP or your file manager in hosting control panel. Download a fresh copy from themeforest and upload via wordpress. This should fix the issue for you :)

    To update to the latest version follow the simple instructions here. (Or if you want the super detailed explanation you can read this blog post)

    Best regards,


    Hi eKMUch.

    I’m using a theme child too and the steps above solved the problem.




    we are glad they did! We will keep the thread open for the OP. If you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to start a new thread

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay

    I de-activated and activated child theme and parent which both didn’t do the trick. I then uploaded the file again via FTP de-activated and reactivated child and parent.

    Now the follwoing is happening:
    When i use enfold-child it takes the wrong header fonts (see private content PS1). Why? It does this actually despite the settings being set correctly – but they don’t seem to apply (maybe because I had to remove $filterable_classes = avia_header_class( avia_header_class_string() ); as it was otherwise giving the error message…?).
    When I use enfold (parent) it take the right fonts but the modifications aren’t in place anymore (PS2). Why?

    Do you understand what’s happening?




    When i use enfold-child it takes the wrong header fonts (see private content PS1). Why? It does this actually despite the settings being set correctly – but they don’t seem to apply (maybe because I had to remove $filterable_classes = avia_header_class( avia_header_class_string() ); as it was otherwise giving the error message…?).

    Did you modify the header.php file in the child theme? We changed the function to “avia_header_class_filter”. Please activate the child theme then make sure that you’re using the updated version of the header.php file.

    Best regards,


    i replaced line 12 with the new line $filterable_classes = avia_header_class_filter( avia_header_class_string() ); from the Enfold file into my child theme file. works grea tnow. Thank you Ismael

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